JAPANESE DRAMA: Boku to Star no 99 Nichi / 我和明星的99天

我和明星的99天 簡介 Boku to Star no 99 Nichi Synopsis

劇 名:我和明星的99天
首 播:2011年10月23日
回 數:未知


编剧 - 武田有起
音楽 - 小西香葉、近藤由紀夫
企画统筹 - 成河広明
企画 - 成田一樹、太田大
制片人 - 千葉行利、大久保智己
导演 - 国本雅広、大久保智己
制作協力 - ケイファクトリー
制作著作 - 富士电视台


並木 航平 - 西島秀俊
ハン・ユナ - キム・テヒ
高鍋 大和 - 佐々木蔵之介
橋爪 和哉 - 要潤
芹沢 直子 - 朝加真由美
チョン・ヒジン - 韓英恵
夏目 純吉 - 古川雄輝
三上 百合子 - 彩也子
近藤 保 - 石黒英雄
三枝 恵実子 - 倍賞美津子
並木 桃 - 桜庭ななみ
並木 菫 - 石橋宇輪
並木 蓮 - 椙杜翔馬
並木 雪子 - 生田智子




Title: 僕とスターの99日
Title (romaji): Boku to Star no 99 Nichi
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Romantic comedy
Episodes: TBA
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2011-Oct-23 start
Air time: Sunday 21:00


Namiki Kohei (Nishijima Hidetoshi) is a somber, single man in his 40s. He is the type whom the people around him can force impossible demands on and is always made to take care of the three children of his older sister Yukiko (Ikuta Tomoko). Although he sought to be an astronomer, his family situation and finances did not allow him to embark on it and he had to give up his big dream to “discover his own star”.

And so, Kohei works part-time at a security company and becomes the personal bodyguard to Han Yuna (Kim Tae Hee), a big South Korean star who has come to Japan for filming. The perfect Yuna is a celebrity adored by all. However, she is actually an ordinary person who loves cheap, everyday Japanese food and feels lonely in the entertainment world that she lives in. Even though Kohei and Yuna cannot completely understand each other’s language, he is deployed to guard her for a period of 99 days.

At first, the two of them clash, but the distance between them gradually shrinks, and they find themselves supporting each other’s dreams. Kohei suddenly falls in love with her, a woman who is so close but yet so far. After the end of the 99-day contract, what choices will they make on the 100th day? --Jdrama Weblog


Correlation chart

Kim Tae Hee as Han Yuna
Nishijima Hidetoshi as Namiki Kohei
Sakuraba Nanami as Momo (Kohei's niece)
Taecyeon as Teson
Ikuta Tomoko as Namiki Yukiko
Kaname Jun
Ishiguro Hideo
Furukawa Yuki
Baisho Mitsuko
Sasaki Kuranosuke
Asaka Mayumi


01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 (Final)

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