MISS TEEN WORLD 2010 - Anastasia Sidiropoulou
Anastasia Sidiropoulou, Miss Teen Greece-World, was crowned Miss Teen World 2010 at the Finale held 14th August at the Hilton Post Oak Grand Ballroom in Houston. The first runner-up was Channing Smendziuk, Miss Teen Canada-World. The second runner-up was Ti-Amore’ Fourie, Miss Teen South Africa-World. The third runner-up was Candace Charles, Miss Teen Guyana-World and the 4th runner up was Miss Teen South Pacific-World Cassie Sumimoto.
On Friday August 14, 2010 the Miss Teen World pageant held the final show where the top 12 semi-finalists were announced. After the last round of competition the special awards were announced. The 12 were narrowed down to five and each of them was asked an on-stage question. And the final results were announced as above.
Miss Teen World won a prize package valued over $30,000 including a $5,000 educational scholarship. The crown, cash, wardrobe, jewelry, media training and travel opportunities are just some of the luxuries she will experience during her year.
Special thanks and credits to http://worldshowbiz.info/
Miss Teen USA 2010

1st Runner up was Miss Illinois Teen USA, Lexi Atkins. Teens from California, Utah and Mississippi completed the Top 5.
Miss Crawford, is the daughter of Victor and Carla Crawford, and is a senior at Churchill High School. When she won Miss Maryland, it was her first time to ever compete in a pageant. She is the oldest of five girls in her family. She plans to become a dermatologist when she goes to college, and have her own skincare and cosmetics line.
In high school, she was won numerous Spirit Awards for cheerleading and is the captain of her squad. She also enjoys graphic design and has won some awards with her talent there too.
Her title as Miss Teen USA is a first for Maryland.
Courtesy of GlobalBeuaties