Deok Man had the blade aim at the neck of the village head but with a twist of her determination she then does with swift stroke of the sword, she slay the villagers down with a single stroke. Everybody is shock at Deok Man action as she slay those villagers mercilessly as the village fall dead onto the ground. Everybody is taken aback on Deok Man’s reaction. Blade dripping with the blood of the villager she executed, she drop the sword & leave the scene coldly as Kim Chun Chu marvel that his Aunt can conjure such an act
Deok Man tries to help to eradicate illiteracy or if not educate the population in knowledge to strengthen support in good governance that she will want to govern her people with rather than Mi Shil iron fist authoritarian governance that lead to persistence in keeping the people illiterate & poverty. Better governance leads to more rapid economic growth & progress & lessen the inequality among the people. This is what Deok Man seek for, for her people but sadly it seems that her people has fail to understand her gesture & thus they has to pay the price as they went against the promise that they had brokered
Deok Man & her entourage leaves An Gang fortress as the mood was sombre. Deok Man fidget with her hands as she recalls Mi Shil saying that the truth for these people is much too bothersome as a prospect for our people to take in, the wishing of hope is beyond their intelligent to comprehend. Dialogue is too large for their narrow minds, & any free rein given will lead them they will hesitate. Deok Man playback the scene of her personally executing the village head for the broken promise as it pain her to think about it. Kim Yu Shin turn back to look at Deok Man’s palanquin then dismount from his horse & goes to check on Deok Man’s well being
Kim Yu Shin tell Deok Man she must have the believe that she is in the right & always have faith in her believes. It is in this faith & believe that will take her to the perilous path of being Sovereign & in that she can only continue to progress in that path. Deok Man wonders will that be adequate. Kim Yu Shin repeat that she must have her believes. Deok Man wonders if she is walking the correct path as Kim Yu Shin drums her to have faith in her believes in what she is now doing is righteous. With this faith of hers, she will finds the answer she seek on her own accord. Deok Man agrees that she will seek those answer on her own & alone
Kim Chun Chu is walking with Bi Dam after what they had seen. Kim Chun Chu tells Bi Dam that his Aunt is quite something back there. Seol Won Rang tells Mi Shil that Deok Man had reprimand the village head with his life & now making her return to the palace. Mi Shil asked that Deok Man personally conducted the execution herself as Seol Won Rang confirms & Deok Man had offer to give them low interest loan. Mi Shil recalls that Deok Man said that there is something that Mi Shil words has left a deep marking on her mind is her statement that punishment must come like a raging storm & and prudence in rewarding in moderation & she agrees that this goes without any menacing & threatening precedent & hence she will not exclude or omit to use that precedent to her achieve her goals. Mi Shil tells that Deok Man must be troubled in pain for her to bear
Mi Shil recalls that during King Jinheung she has similar encounters in the Battle of Maunryong. Seol Won Rang remembers that they were being pursue by Goguryeo forces & they had to fall back in retreat. Mi Shil said that in that battle they had 3,000 Goguryeo soldiers hot on their heel in pursuit but they only some 200 soldier alive on their side. Mi Shin tell that this was her maiden war experience. Seol Won Rang said that as a woman her action was recommendable that everybody has knowledge of her achievements in the battle. Mi Shil said that they were losing ground in the battle & desertion was increasing daily & one day she apprehended 7 deserters & amongst them were a Nang Do who once has saved her life from a certain death but the betrayal she felt to has seen him desert & the dilemma she face that she had to execute the very man that she had owe her life to. Mi Shil had to execute the deserters personally that she felt she was forsaken in tears that she had never quiver to kill enemies but shiver in fear that she could wield her sword properly , Seol Won Rang said that this is what right for a commanding officer have to do in the time of war. Mi Shil concurs that after this incident she stop shivering & then had a change in her outlook of life that she felt she transform to become another person. Mi Shil asked whether Deok Man too will make that transformation.
Deok Man return to the palace weary then looking at her hands & recalling the villager begging her for their lives & assuring her that they will never repeat their folly. Bi Dam comes calling to Deok Man then tell her that she needn’t have to follow the footsteps of Mi Shil, Bi Dam tell her that even without going about killing people or engage in feuds & debates, she will always be seen strong. Deok Man tell Bi Dam that she reacted to hastily & was too immature in her patient for result. Deok Man said that the people had no prior knowledge in the matter so it was naturally instinct for their reaction to be as such that to have own land to cultivate & may changes in quality in life & able to pass it down to their children, they couldn’t comprehend that significant of it. Bi Dam said for least with him is that she can be herself as then his heart can only palpitates. Then Bi Dam changes the subject that the people will also palpitates when Deok Man makes them realise what her good intent for them is, they will change when they can understand the facts. Bi Dam said to himself that who knows that he might able to change as well. Deok Man thanks him kindly for his assurances
A group of palace physician comes hurry to the King’s chamber as Queen Maya tells the physician of the symptoms that King Jinpyeong suffer that his lips went pale & his heart suffer chest palpitation that cause him great discomfort. The attending physician said that there is nothing to be anxious about the King’s health to be overly concern. King Jinpyeong said that it is fine that the physician can be honest about his diagnostic evaluation & can tell them directly what they had found to be his ailment. The physician then honestly told the Royal Couple that King Jinpyeong is suffering from irregular heart rate rhythm but tells that the ailment is not serious to cause concern & recommend some formulation of medicine to be brew for intake. King Jinpyeong is not buying the physician down play diagnostic. But looking at King Jinpyeong condition states otherwise that it look rather serious with fatigue & shortness of breath when he speaks
My own medical diagnostic of the symptoms read show a common sign that King Jinpyeong is having atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter. The most common symptom in people with intermittent atrial fibrillation is palpitations sensation of rapid or irregular heartbeat. This may make some people very anxious. Many people also describe an irregular fluttering sensation in their chests.
Kim Yu Shin & Deok Man goes to discuss a post mortem & analyse the situation at An Gang fortress. Deok Man know that Kim Yu Shin is busy with other business as Pungwolju but she needs Kim Yu Shin to have hands on Hwa Rang & Nang Do that is place there & then send inspector to observe & audit the situation. Kim Yu Shin understand Deok man situation but finds Deok Man fidget with her hands & asked whether she is alright. Deok man brushes off that why would she be fine. Kim Yu Shin repeats his concern whether Deok man is indeed alright as needs to be. Deok Man said that divine providence seems to have blessed on her side to have people like Kim Yu Shin at her side that always propel her morally & someone like Bi Dam who she can seek solace in comfort & someone like Al Cheon who will protect her at all cost so why would she had any fear in whatsoever. So Hwa come running in to tell Deok Man that she is being summon to In Gang Jeon at once
In Gang Jeon is the private chamber of King Jinpyeong
Princess Man Myeong comes to visit King Jinpyeong to ask how he is feeling. King Jinpyeong honestly it is unfortunate & tell her that he is not well or better as he would be. King Jinpyeong said that as for now it is wise for them to prepare to hasten Deok Man marriage. Queen Maya is surprise as King Jinpyeong tells them to anticipate that they need Deok Man to be married as soon as possible & have suitable Consort for the succession of the throne. Queen Maya asked whether King Jinpyeong was to allow the succession of his throne to be handed to the Sovereign Consort
Bu Ma is the Princess Consort or spouse
Bu Gun is the successor eligible to the throne that is not the Crown Prince. This is similar to William of Orange. William of Orange a Dutch Royal married Queen Mary II of England to become King William III of England & the period is known as William & Mary as joint sovereigns
King Jinpyeong smiles that he could not have a Crown Prince to succeed him then the alternative is to have the Princess’s spouse the Consort to be made his successor. King Jinpyeong asked his wife & Princess Man Myeong to go look for suitable candidates for Deok Man lifetime partner that fits the job designation. Meanwhile King Jinpyeong will discuss this matter with the Minister in due course. Both ladies understands King Jinpyeong intention as Deok Man comes into the chambers to greet King Jinpyeong & asked about his health whether they is any progress of recovery. King Jinpyeong said with regrets his health is not well & he will not able to preside or attend court for a few days due to his ill health
King Jinpyeong tells Deok Man that they must hasten her royal marriage as he needs to make someone to succeed his throne that will have to come from her intent husband for a Sovereign Consort for succession. Queen Maya said that King Jinpyeong is worried & concern about the matter & asked whether Deok Man has someone intent in mind
Al Cheon discuss with Kim Yu Shin of King Jinpyeong ailment that with the eventually if the event goes for the worst case scenario then debate on question of a Sovereign Consort to succeed the throne will begin. Kim Yu Shin said that it will be according to Deok Man plan & Al Cheon concurs that it will be so & finally it has begun. Kim Yu Shin wonders whether Mi Shil’s faction will makes their move. Kim Yu Shin asked whether Kim Chun Chu is still seen always cordially at Mi Saeng’s side & Al Cheon affirms it but it is lucky that Bi Dam has got the reins on him & able to control him but he still frequent much of his time with the company of Mi Saeng in games
Kim Chun Chu still playing the Juryeonggu dice games & Mi Saeng is making winning, Mi Saeng said that vice, wine & gambling are the traits that is common
There are known as the 4 cardinal vices or immoralities in ancient times are prostitution, gambling, drinks & smoke (opium)
Kim Chun Chu said that Mi Saeng is well verse in that 3 vices. Mi Saeng laughs as he generous tip the woman beside him with his winning. Kim Chun Chu said that their common traits are that they are addictive that may bring harm consequences to someone. Mi Saeng tells that Kim Chun Chu is indeed correct. Mi Saeng said that once addiction set it, it is really very hard to get rid of its dependency & it is really hard to escape from that addiction. Kim Chun Chu has a winning hands as Mi Saeng tells him whether he will give a try of something interesting that is addictive but yet may not bring the suffering consequence that the route to escape is seen easy to attain. Kim Chun Chu asked what is the matter that offer such easy escape access that is interesting. Mi Saeng said there is & it would be marital ties. Kim Chun Chu question marriage as Mi Saeng explain that marriage is initially sweet as honey & blissful & its charm couldn’t be in comparison with those in brothel, in addition there is a child added into the heavenly blessed in that ties that you feel as though you fly in the sky. Then Kim Chun Chu asked then why Mi Saeng mentioned that it is an easy escape route to the equation. Mi Saeng said that after the ties of a year or 2 when the ties become stale then it become strange. Kim Chun Chu asked that is why Mi Saeng has the reason behind that he had done this 20 times of marriage & still counting in his life. Mi Saeng conform that as a fact. Mi Saeng then offer whether Kim Chun Chu has any interest in getting involve in the game of marriage
King Jinpyeong meets with Kim Seo Hyeon & Kim Yong Chun that in four days, they will debates on Deok Man’s marriage & asked them to make the necessary preparations. King Jinpyeong said that he shall proclaim that all the class of nobility are eligible to become the Consort to the Princess then proceed to be made Bu Gun
Bu Gun is the Successor to the throne that is not the Crown Prince
Kim Seo Hyeon said that the nobility already known the significant in the Royal Marriage to propose their son as candidate for role as Consort. Queen Maya said that the nobility in Mi Shil’s faction will be tempted. King Jinpyeong said that it will be indeed as King Jinpyeong commands that everybody in the nobility must be notify under official channels to arrange a small commission from the Minister council to select the potential suitor for the marriage as Kim Yong Chun obey the decree
Deok Man overlooking the lakes as So Hwa comes to her & call to her as Deok Man asked what is the matter. So Hwa tells that this is the route she needs to journey & asked if she has any suitor in heart for her consort. Then So Hwa notice that Deok Man’s hand is trembling & asked if she is not well in any way. Bi Dam comes along. Deok Man brushes it off as nothing that her hands has a slight tremor. Bi Dam asked what is wrong with Deok Man’s hands. BI Dam comes over with concern & asked how frequent does this symptoms happens. Deok Man denies it. Bi Dam grabs Deok Man hands & could feel her hands tremors & asked that it is not so that her hands are indeed trembling. Bi Dam asked whether a physician has look into her hands. So Hwa is shock to see Bi Dam close body contact with Deok Man. Bi Dam diagnose whether she hasn’t wield a sword for a long time to develop this symptoms. Bi Dam said that she should have delegated the task to Kim Yu Shin or Al Cheon & not to personally see to it herself
Deok Man then smiles as Bi Dam let go of her hands. Bi Dam wonder why Deok Man is smiling at him that is funny. Deok Man tells that Bi Dam is acting like the person that she knows as before. Bi Dam smiles. Bi Dam said that he had heard about the discussion of her intent Royal marriage. Deok Man affirms that it is about to begin as now that there will be tension arises for this period. Bi Dam enquire whether she will proceed with her initial plans. Deok Man confirm that she will of course. Deok Man said that she will opt for unmarried status, furthermore it has only just begun. Seol Won Rang notice Bi Dam with Deok Man in friendly acquaintances as Bi Dam is still concern over Deok Man’s hands tremors as Deok Man assures that she is alright. Bi Dam insists that she get her hands look into before it gets any worse. Bi Dam said that she shouldn’t have personally went to do it that Bi Dam tells how shock Kim Yu Shin & Al Cheon was when they saw Deok Man personally executing them. Deok Man still assures that she is fine. Bi Dam said that he has some experience in acupuncture that he has learn from his teacher & may apply that technique to her hands. Deok Man smiles that she is fine
Deok Man will have similar experience with Queen Elizabeth I of England. She will set out to rule with good counsel with heavily depended trusted advisor. Remember there is Eul Je that may return to give Deok Man counsel in her reign, so what they had introduce but this is already episode 40 & he has not make his appearance just yet, maybe the character got the axed by the scriptwriter
Seol Won Rang informs that King Jinpyeong in four days, will preside & attend Court with the Minister & Mi Saeng said that they don’t need to take 2nd guessing that the agenda will be no doubt be Royal marriage. Se Jong said although they has said that it is a matter of discussion but it is not necessary that they will adhere to Deok Man’s wishes. Seol Won Rang said that Kim Yu Shin is already married & that will leave Al Cheon has the most suitable suitor for Deok Man. Mi Shil tells that there may that possibility. Mi Shil tells that Al Cheon’s background comes from none of the 6 clans & have any significant backing, should he become Consort, he pose no threat to them. Mi Saeng said that he may take care of the matter by arranging some incentives. Mi Shil said that Al Cheon Rang’s father, Lord Hyeon Gong favour the arts, she asked her brother to go & finds some suitable art pieces to please the man when he meets him personally. Mi Saeng understands & will do so immediately
Mi Shil asked that Kim Yu Shin & Kim Chun Chu’s movement to be monitor during this period as everybody obey Mi Shil’s instructions. They leaves as Seol Won Rang stay back & speak to Mi Shil alone. MI Shil asked whether he has any matter to discuss with her. Seol Won Rang said it is in regards to Bi Dam. Seol Won Rang informs that Bi Dam has acquaintances goes beyond cordial with Deok Man. Mi Shil asked what is Seol Won Rang implying. Seol Won Rang said that there is a great chance that Bi Dam may eventually have the likely chance to become Deok Man’s Consort. Mi Shil reprimands Seol Won Rang as he tells that Bi Dam is indeed her son & in that truth he is a Jingol. Seol Won Rang said that they must open all channel to options for their benefits. Mi Shil reiterate that he is a son that she has forsaken. From then until now, she will never acknowledge him
Kim Yu Shin & his wife Yeong Mo is visited by Ha Jong & Se Jong. Ha Jong concern that he has heard that his daughter is not well & asked if she is suffering from any ailments & anything the matter. Kim Yu Shin concern for his wife to hear that she has been well as Yeong Mo tells her husband that she is pregnant
Yeongmo is Ha Jong’s daughter & Kim Yu Shin’s wife
Se Jong & Ha Jong expresses happiness in hearing the news. Ha Jong asked his daughter that she is pregnant with a child & he will be a grandfather soon. Se Jong said that there is no greater happiness than hearing this news. Heaven is on their side. Ha Jong congratulate Kim Yu Shin for his achievement as double happiness as Kim Yu Shin enquire the double happiness. Se Jong inform that in addition to being Pungwolju, Kim Yu Shin has been assign to The Ministry of Military affairs. Ha Jong said that to have trust in them & they will scale to high feats in height. Ha Jong can believe that her daughter is pregnant
I suppose that Kim Yu Shin has to his duty as her husband to father children & give his wife some comfort
Se Jong & Ha Jong comes in as Mi Saeng tells then that their grin is now seen for ear to ear smiling widely over the news & Mi Shil asked what is going on. Se Jong assures Mi Shil that they needn’t worried about Kim Yu Shin as ha Jong tells his mother that Yeong Mo is pregnant with their child. Mi Shil is happy to hear that. Mi Saeng said compare to what he imagine Kim Yu Shin, he is quite adaptable in this skill to be reckon. Mi Shil said that there is no longer the concern about Kim Yu Shin then what about Kim Chun Chu then. Seol Won Rang inform that Kim Chun Chu is spending his time frequently with Bo Ryang. Mi Saeng through his observation is most certain that Kim Chun Chu will has marital ties with them but Kim Yu Shin is trying to avoid King Jinpyeong’s fury & upset that he is avoiding the question of marriage proposal. Seol Won Rang said that he will pay attention to the matter with care & assure Mi Shil. Mi Shil is satisfied as she asked what about the nobility. Se Jong & Ha Jong said that he has dispatch message to all the nobles of the land. Mi Shil said that it will be fine as tomorrow King Jinpyeong will discuss the succession issue by proclaiming the Sovereign Consort but whomever it may be must be under their control
Ha Jong said that they have Kim Yu Shin, Al Cheon & even Kim Chun Chu under their control, whoever it may be they can always adjust accordingly to their position. Mi Shil tells that tomorrow is the day & by tomorrow the Royal Household will need to find the successor to the throne that has been long been vacant that will eventually finds its owner to be occupied
The council in session as King Jinpyeong tells that as to their knowledge that he has no Seonggol heir apparent to succeed his throne, so therefore he has plan to arrange a Royal marriage of Princess Deok Man & will decree that her consort succeed his throne & thus stabilize the future succession of Silla throne. King Jinpyeong throw the question whether they have suitable suitor for Deok Man’s intended. Consort. Then the Minister deliberate their suitors. Then Mi Shil speaks that maybe the important thing is to know what is convey in Deok Man’s wishes in the matter
Deok Man announce her arrival to court. Deok man comes into the chamber as the Ministers bow in greeting. Deok Man greets her father she glances at Mi Shil & takes her placing at court. Mi Shil inform that the court is now in the midst of discussing about her Royal Marriage. Mi Shil had asked that King Jinpyeong that they should at least convey & respect what Deok Man wishes in the matter is to deliberate further the matter. Mi Shil asked whether Deok Man has any suitor in mind to be married. Deok Man tells that she will not marry. Everybody is surprise at Deok Man’s statement
Kim Yong Chun tells that King Jinpyeong may now be the best in health & there is no risk or danger in the matter of crisis to the stability of the throne but then the issue of the succession of the throne is a great matter to the Royal Household have been long debated. They need to address this issue at once. Se Jong said that a Consort declare as a Sovereign will stabilise the succession of the throne & bring prosperity & peace to the country. Deok Man understand that the succession issue of this nation needs to be address & it is her wish to do so to resolve this quickly so therefore Deok Man will announce her intend before King Jinpyeong & the Ministers gather in presence at court
Deok Man: I, Princess Deok Man will not marry…….
Everybody looks at her
Deok Man: I wish to become & succeed the throne as Sovereign as Bu Gun
Everybody is shock. Mi Shil is dumbfounded
Deok Man: Therefore, please deliberate this subject in this session of Hwa Baek in regards to the matter
Deok Man smiles at a very choke Mi Shil with checkmate
Seol Won Rang goes to see Mi Shil who is gazing afar & asked if this is true that Deok Man has decree that she wants to be successor to the throne. Mi Shil is quiet as Seol Won Rang wants to know from Mi Shil whether this is true & asked if she is fine & call to her. Mi Shil turns & apologise to Seol Won Rang, she wants a moment to be alone in solitude, just momentarily. Seol Won Rang understands & leaves but turn to see a very troubled Mi Shil.
Mi Shil with her thoughts that Deok Man wouldn’t be by chance wishes…..Deok Man lecturing about hope…that makes her overwrite the fatigue & pain, the dream & aspiration of the people of our nation that she will share it with, the creation of a new found Silla. Mi Shil said that what Deok Man has aspire was to proclaim as Sovereign…is it from that….that she realise the dream to aspires to be Sovereign ….No…it is from the start that she dream & aspire to be Sovereign. Flashback Deok Man now understands the reason behind why there is no progress since King Jinheung’s reign. This is because Mi Shil is not the rightful proprietor of this nation. Mi Shil deliberate on the word proprietor where Deok man tells her because she is not the rightful proprietor, she couldn’t dream or aspire those dreams for the future of the nation. Mi Shil said that aspiration she can’t have because she is not the proprietor of the nation, is this because of that reason, from the beginning she was never meant to be for the person Mi Shil as she could have the aspire dream
Seol Won Rang doing his own set of gazing as Bo Jong returns. Bo Jong asked his father what is this implying, it is absurd that the Princess was to be heir apparent to the throne. Seol Won Rang said that he too has heard that it is so. Bo Jong asked whether Mi Shil is still there as Seol Won Rang stop his son nit to disturb Mi Shil as she was to be left with her thoughts. Bo Jong thinks that this is utter nonsense that there is going to be a Queen Regnant & is there possibility that this can happened. Seol Won Rang said that there will be Queen Regnant or it is possible is none of their concern or important. The important thing is that this incident has created a great impact on Mi Shil that Mi Shil has suffer emotional set back. Bo Jong said that it certainly will shock his mother but this is still a preposterous proposal. Seol Won Rang said that it is not so, Mi Shil only see herself as gaining the throne through by being the reigning Queen Consort but never has dreamed to become Queen Regnant herself. This is something that beyond her thoughts or aspiration. Seol Won Rang said that they can only hope that Mi Shil may overcome her initial mental distress over the matter that she needs to psychic herself out of it as Bo Jong & Seol Won Rang can only wait as Mi Shil fights with her own ghosts
Queen Maya is shock that Deok Man can utter those words. Kim Yong Chun said it is impossible, can this be worth saying as King Jinpyeong is quiet over the matter as they deliberate over Deok Man’s bomb shell statement. Queen Maya said that the revelation of the twin birth is not so long pass & Deok Man gain acknowledgement as Princess, how can she reaction is such a manner to cause a stir in the Royal Household. King Jinpyeong beg to defer that it is a high regards & wise choice of tactic from Deok Man. Queen Maya is surprise as Kim Yong Chun asked what is that imply. King Jinpyeong said that Silla is nation that based segregation of Golpumjedo
Golpumjedo (Bone Rank system) is the caste system use in Shilla to segregate the class society in Silla
Therefore Golpumjedo is the foundation & the roots of our nation. Why is it that there must be a Seonggol Sovereign needs to ascend the throne. Seonggol Deok Man has personally say that she will ascend the throne, who will dare to go against & voice protest to that decision. Queen Maya reminds that Deok Man is female. King Jinpyeong said that Female Sovereign is certainly has been seen as yet but however Deok Man is a Seonggol. Mi Shil will never able to go against the boundaries of Golpumjedo system & will not penetrated that system in which that system is now in favour of Deok Man. Kim Yong Chu still voice his concern as King Jinpyeong asked them to recall why a person like him that doesn’t know the reality of the world of politics & governance that is weak & feeble can able to ascend this throne at a very young age. It is the very fact & reason that King Jinpyeong is a Seonggol. King Jinpyeong said that Deok Man is going to try to rekindle that fact to make it into her benefit & advantage. This is going to be the most lethal weapon that is able to succeed in going against Mi Shil, is her identity & background as being a Seonggol
Mi Shil walks the corridors as Bi Dam stand aside & greet her then made a passing remark that this is a fact that she can’t denied & is incapable that she can’t avoid that as a fact. Mi Shil turns & asked what is Bi Dam referring to as the fact that can’t be avoided. Bi Dam said that Mi Shil dream & aspiration were different to begin with, as this result, it is why she is incapable to avoid this fact. Mi Shil said what dreams are defer. Bi Dam asked how can Mi Shil ever can dream or aspired these dreams. Mi Shil asked whether Bi Dam is waiting for her so he can deliver this remark to her. Bi Dam tells that his Princess Deok Man before entering to the palace without the status to her name has already has those aspiration to be Sovereign. Mi Shil is surprise that Bi Dam use the suffix of “his”. Bi Dam said that it is his choice that he has chosen her, therefore the reference of “his” Princess Deok Man. Bi Dam excuse himself 7 leaves as Bi Dam looks back at her
Seok Bum laugh that Deok Man certainly has a talent for the bring out surprises. The other Hwa Rang said that they are beyond comprehension. They can’t understand that Royal Marriage is a simple affairs, why does she has to make it seem complicated. The other said the nation Queen Regnant, this have never happened before for this nation. Then other said that what has been seen in the construction of Cheomseongdae, Deok Man is exceptional & out of the ordinary in her character. The other Hwa Rang captain said that it is indeed the fact that she is the King’s only surviving Seonggol descendant. The other Hwa Rang captain asked what he is implying as the Bu Gun will eventually ascend to become the sovereign, is this matter possible to be reckon. Seok Bum said that maybe because Deok Man never lived her life as a Royal so she always engages in making surprise to life up the mood of chaos & stir. Im Jong said that she will need foresee the strong opposition to what she is trying to do. Im Jong himself doesn’t know what to reacted. They mentioned about the incident of the military reserve & asked why Deok man keeping working in this manner that leave everybody bemused
Yonghwa Hyangdo also debates whether Deok Man is going to become Bu Gun. The other cadre said that Bu Gun means to ascend the throne & the person next in line but they acknowledge the fact but question Deok Man’s gender issue. Joo bang thinks that Guk San Heun Dae Pung has hear wrongly that Deok Man should find her consort & her Consort will reign as Sovereign & tells that Guk San Heun has wrongly mistake. Guk San Heun insist what he had heard is the gospel truth & now the palace atmosphere is now in stir & chaos. Joo Bang think that it is just utter nonsense that they don’t believe what Guk san Heun has heard, how can this be said for a woman to become sovereign. GO Do concurs that it is impossible & make no sense. No one believes Guk San Heun in the end. Guk San Heun doubt himself whether what he has heard is false & a mistake
Chil Sook practice his martial art on the wooden dummy
Muk Yan Jong or wooden dummy in Chinese is a practice training apparatus. The martial arts Weng Chun uses this apparatus to train
Seo Bum & San Tak comes to see him as San Tak pass a document to Chil Sook to say that this is the list of the new cadre intakes & their family background all sorted & screen out. Chil Sook asked whether Bi Dam has been seen. Seok Bum said that Bi Dam doesn’t have movements in his activity & doesn’t teach particular anyone or participate in Hwa Rang activities. Chil Sook asked about Wyol Ya background activities. San Tak said that he is the son of a Manno Fortress one of the Chieftain & Seok Bum said it seem that Kim Seo Hyeon adopt him as a son & then he is now being taken over & entrust with Yonghwa. Chil Sook insist that they continue the observation & surveillance & report any suspicion in activities to him at once
Seok Bum asked whether Chil Sook has heard that Deok Man wants to be Bu Gun as Chil Sook tells that he already heard of it. Chil Sook asked about the reaction from Ha Rang over the matter. Everybody voice that this is out of the question. Chil Sook recalls the young Deok Man with the Chinese Warlord & remember her saying that a sovereign who has no time to heard his people’s voice…has no right to sit on the throne. Chil Sook smiles as he recalls while Seok Bum & San Tak surprise as Chil Sook never seen smiling
Mi Saeng sees Kim Chun Chu spending time with Bo Ryang as he help her with her make up as he asked if she like the colours he has applied as Bi Ryang looks at the mirror she replies she like the colour
Bo Ryang is Bo Jong’s daughter
Dae Nam Bo comes to his father to asked whether what he has hear is true. Mi Saeng sigh & asked whether everybody at Hwa Rang has also heard about the matter & asked what are they saying as Dae Nam Bo said that this is indeed true as Mi Saeng confirm with affirmative that Deok Man has express to become Queen Regnant & asked if this is feasible to begin with. Kim Chun Chu hears it pauses a while as Bo Ryang enquire why he has pause as he brush that it is nothing
Kim Yu Shin greets Deok Man & she asked about the progress. Kim Yu Shin report that the people of An Gang fortress has start to work the lands & there is no people absconding. Deok Man said that personally executing the village head in front of their eyes has brought them dread & fear, now the next step, she will make them see what hope is. Deok Man instruct that t give assistance to anyone who agrees to work without condition. Kim Yu Shin has expedite that order. Deok Man tells that An Gang fortress is only the beginning. If An Gang fortress is deem successful then they will work on others following the same format to open lands there to be work
Bi Dam comes in & tells Deok Man does she know that the palace atmosphere is now in uproar with commotion. Deok Man said that many must find it befuddled & confuse over her statement. Bi Dam said that it is because it has never happened before so they can anticipate. Al Cheon said who else dare to have thought about the matter. Deok Man asked whether it will be hard for people to accepted the matter Kim Yu Shin no matter what it may be this is consider the 1st time in history that it will happened. Deok Man said that they require time to digest this in. Deok Man asked from Bi Dam whether Kim Chun Chu has heard of the matter as well. Al Cheon said that this incident is spreading like hot cakes, it will be hard not to know. Kim Chun Chu is most certain has knowledge about the matter. Bi Dam said he will meet Kim Chun Chu in a while. If he hasn’t hear then Bi Dam will convey the matter to him & ask him for his feedback response
Deok Man recalls Kim Chun Chu telling her that just like him, he has heard that Deok Man came from a land distance afar to come to Seorabeol. Kim Chun Chu asked what feeling she felt that led her to Seorabeol & moreover what are his intention & heartfelt that led him to come here too
This conversation was cut short in previous episode when Deok Man Kim Chun Chu 1st met as we get to listen to the whole conversation
Kim Yu Shin with Wyol Ya & Seo Ji as he explains that he has mentioned to them before that he has chosen Deok Man to be Sovereign & Monarch. Seo Ji thought it was spoken in the matter of figurative of speech. Seo Ji asked that it was on the pretence that it was suggested that Kim Yu Shin & Princess Deok Man will have marital ties by being her Consort will eventually for him to succeed the Silla throne. Kim Yu Shin said that his exact words that he will support her as his Sovereign & Monarch. It meant exactly to the every word of what he had said & mentioned. Seo Ji asked how can they make a female Monarch to that fact. Wyol Ya said that this is not important, no matter what it may be it as a woman or a Jingol using the support of the Gaya descend to support in making a Sovereign, isn’t that what they initially has made a pact for. Kim Yu Shin said that they must have misunderstood his meaning to his phase of his intent. Their pact is that they will support a Sovereign that will acknowledge the Gaya descent as this nation subject. Wyol Ya asked whether Deok Man will guarantee that she will acknowledge the Gaya descent as this nation subject. Seo Ji insists that they made a pact with Kim Yu Shin & not to Princess Deok Man. Kim Yu Shin said that Princess Deok Man will make the Gaya descend as her reverence subject with sincerity. Wyol Ya tells Kim Yu Shin at this moment Deok Man will certainly be sincere but he warns that every Silla Sovereign has abuse their sense of sincerity towards the Gaya people , only always make use the Gaya people then later back stab them by oppression & then intimidate the Gaya people & instill fear so that they will not start a rebellion. Wyol Ya asked if Deok Man will be different from the predecessor before her. Kim Yu Shin tries to prove his point but Wyol Ya stop him short that he insist that the Sovereign must has bloodline of Gaya descent in order to resolve all matte, that only a Sovereign of Gaya ancestry there will acknowledge. Wyol Ya said that Deok Man will be no different from them & asked Kim Yu Shin not to waste time advertising his cause & selling Deok Man to them. Seol Ji concurs that how can Kim Yu Shin gambles & stake the lives of the Gaya descent by trusting simply to a person. Kim Yu Shin reiterate that it is not the person that he is trusting but the fact the Princess Deok Man will be the harbinger of the new found Silla, in that Wyol Ya & Seo Ji will become the fore founding subject to this grand venture. Kim Yu Shin said that if this doesn’t happened that he will head & rise up to the occasion in revolt, then the power of the Gaya authority lies between Kim Yu Shin & Wyol Ya & there is nothing to do with Princess Deok Man
Seo Ji had a words with Wyol Ya to asked what does he plan to do about the matter. Wyol Ya said at this moment, there is nothing else but they had to go on to continue to believe in Kim Yu Shin. Seo Ji doesn’t agree as Wyol Ya orders Seo Ji to send their men to Amnyangju & reiterate the unity among their men. There will come a time that they need to leave Amnyangju & prepare for battle. Wyol Ya said however as long as nothing is seen to have misdemeanours. They only have to go along & trust Kim Yu Shin. Seo Ji reluctantly accept Wyol Ya explanation
Kim Seo Hyeon said that Princess Deok Man state her proclamation of her intend to be Bu Gun her path in being Bu Gun what will the response be of the Ministers in the Hwa Baek Council. Kim Yong Chu predicts that there will voice a strong opposition against that proclamation but there is nothing that they can to bring out alternative measure to state otherwise. King Jinpyeong said that Deok Man after her reinstatement as Princess has state her administration skill is immaculate without any flaws to be reckon. King Jinpyeong state that they should hold to the argument that before Deok Man is seen as a gender of being a woman, they must stress the prominence importance that she is indeed Seonggol lineage & asked them to bear this argument in their mind. Kim Seo Hyeon & Kim Yong Chu understands King Jinpyeong’s intentions
King Jinpyeong will make a equal primogeniture as the rule as Deok Man is his sole surviving child
Seol Won Rang in their own meeting said there is no one willing to stand up & dismiss & overthrow the motion & to state this as otherwise. Mi Saeng said that Silla nation building foundation is on the cores of Golpumjedo system, so they are mute over the matter as being cautious. Seol Won Rang said that have people can’t oppose to the idea, this has lead people to be more confuse & astonish over the proclamation. Se Jong said that Deok Man is doing something out of this world & that hasn’t be attempted or done before & cause an argument. Chil Sook tells that Hwa Rang can’t openly voice their debate over the matter although they can’t accept this for themselves. Se Jong asked are they going to allow that on the ostensible pretence that she is of Seonggol lineage that influence her aspiration to be Bu Gun to follow by her dream to be Sovereign. Ha Jong that this is preposterous that a woman become a Sovereign of this nation. Mi Shil is listen attentively as Ha Jong said even if she is of Seonggol lineage even in country like Goguryeo & Baekje is anomalous of this happenings as Ha Jong asked his mother to comment
Bun Gun is the heir apparent or the successor to the throne that is not the Crown Prince
Mi Shil can only led out a smile & Ha Jong asked what with his mother reaction. Mi Shil tells no matter what there is no breaking of tradition that there is no Silla Sovereign other than Seonggol that ascend the throne. This is the Royal lineage with that exception that to that tradition there is nothing stand to debate it as litigious. This is certainly most embittering for Mi Shil’s taste as become a burden operose. Se Jong & Seol Won Rang looks at a very weary & dejected Mi Shil
Deok Man tells that tomorrow Hwa Baek Council will not be smooth sailing. It may become a really toilsome & uphill battle to be reckoned. Kim Yu Shin said that still there is no one as the subject of Silla who will dare debate or denies the legitimacy of the Golpumjedo therefore all debates will be deem otiose. Deok Man agrees that in the Hwa Baek council, her proclamation as Bu Gun will nunc pro tunc by tomorrow at Hwa Baek that no one will chase validation to the matter
Nunc pro tunc is an adjective in Latin which mean “now for then” is a phase with the meaning of an operative with respect to the past
Deok Man said that as of tomorrow the population of Silla will hear something that for them to make conversation on the vocabulary that they has never been created in their dictionary. Kim Yu Shin asked what vocabulary is that. Deok Man said that it is the phase in their vocabulary that no one has ever utter the meaning & it has been written in any books or that anyone of heard of it therefore the new vocabulary will be Queen Regnant
Yeo Wang is Queen Regnant or a female Monarch. This is what the title of this drama suggest. Seon Deok Yeo Wang as to Empress Chun Chu which is Chun Chu Dae Hu (Consort to the King). Since antiquity the 1st Queen Regnant may be Queen of Sheba. Even China will only have a Empress Regnant after Queen Seon Deok (632-647). She is Empress Wu Ze Tian (684-705)
Deok Man said that Queen Regnant is the new vocabulary for Silla dictionary & this phase must be extensive in the mind & heart of the people, it is their 1st step. Yeom Jong is shock over the identity of the person who their are going to support to the throne. Bi Dam repeats that it will be Princess Deok Man as Yeom Jing said that she is female. Bi Dam mentioned that is why he has said that the journey will prove difficult but however he guarantees that it will make it succeed. Yeom Jong is mumbles that Deok Man is a woman therefore a female monarch for Silla. Bi Dam asked whether Yeom Jong is surprise. Bi Dam said that that he suppose that it is a shock as since the history of the annals there isn’t existed in history a Queen Regnant. Yeom Jong said that there is & the question is not impossible to achieve as Yeom Jong tells that there is existence of Queen Regnant. Bi Dam said that it exited as Yeom Jing tells that it has in the far reaching country Western Region of a country name Yeo Heon Guk, there he heard that there was a female Monarch
Yeo Heon Guk is Egypt
Bi Dam is surprise there is one in existence, there is one so that this matter have not been done before. Yeom Jong asked that he has heard that Kim Chun Chu is now under his tutelage & what is the purpose that he is doing that if he believe in supporting Deok Man on the throne, then Kim Chun Chu will be a stumbling block to her path & may be treated as an adversary. Yeom Jong said that this goes without saying for anyone. Bi Dam said that he will persuade whether he like it or not to support Deok Man in her path to Sovereign. Bi Dam leaves then turn back to ask what did happened to the Queen Regnant of that Western region country & asked whether her country prosper under her reign. Yeom Jong said on the contrary that during her reign, her failures has destroy her own county & invaded by Roman Empire under Octavian & ended Egypt was dominated
This is the reference made of Cleopatra VII Philopator where eventually Roman Empire under Octavian swallows her country & ended Egypt becoming a province of the Roman Empire in BC30
Bi Dam can’t believe that Yeom Jong told him that story that dampened his mood. Then Kim Chun Chu sneaks out of the gambling den to see Yeom Jong & asked that Bi Dam came to see him as Kim Chun Chu asked what conversation transpire. Yeom Jong pardon his speech that Bi Dam has said that he will persuade Kim Chun Chu to favour Deok Man’s cause to be Sovereign. Yeom Jong asked what do Kim Chun Chu thinks of him as a person. Kim Chun Chu said that he is indeed a remarkably interesting as a person & not to mention someone to fear. But Kim Chun Chu until now will want Bi Dam to join his faction for his own cause but Yeom Jong tells that Bi Dam is not a person that can be easily be persuaded. Kim Chun Chu said that if by chance that he can’t persuade Bi Dam to agree to come to him then the other alternative for Bi Dam is that Kim Chun Chu will definitely need to have him killed at all cost. Yeom Jong & Kim Chun Chu concurs with each other.
Kim Chun Chu said is there anything mentioned in regards to Princess Deok Man’s matter. Yeom Jong said why wouldn’t be anything as he whisper to Kim Chun Chu’s ears. Kim Chun Chu asked whether Bi Dam knew of this knowledge prior. Bi Dam asked of what as Kim Chun Chu asked in regards to Princess Deok Man wanting to be Bu Gun before her arrival. Bi Dam affirms it. Kim Chun Chu asked whether this is possible. Bi Dam said that it certainly wouldn’t be easy as this has never be done before. Kim Chun Chu said that history are created from impossible event that has never happened before. Bi Dam looks at Kim Chun Chu as he said that until now there is never be a Sovereign that is not is not of a Seonggol lineage or there never been a Sovereign that is female but however in due time there might be this 2 occurrences that one will be made into reality. Bi Dam asked what is Kim Chun Chu implying that being one of the 2 occurrences. Kim Chun Chu laugh & said that this is going to be interesting to watch as the event unfolds & asked which of this 2 will emerge & become a reality before them, a female monarch or would it be the 1st Jingol Sovereign
Mi Shil calls out for Bo Jong who is in waiting as Bo Jong comes in to answer his mother’s call. Mi Shil asked that she wants to see Kim Chun Chu & asked Bo Jong to arrange the meeting. Bo Jong said he will do so as Mi Shil leaves & Mi Saeng comes in but Mi Shil tells that she needs to attend to something urgent outside the premises & they will defer they discussion until she return. Mi Saeng tells that Kim Chun Chu is waiting at the corridor to meet Mi Shil. Kim Chun Chu said that he needs to discuss some matter in private with Mi Shil. Mi Shil is surprise that Kim Chun Chu has asked to see her first. Deok Man ponders
Mi Shil asked the purpose of Kim Chun Chu’s visit so late in the night. Kim Chun Chu smiles as Deok Man ponder & holding Cheon Myeong’s comb & asked her sister Cheon Myeong if they are in this together & asked for her assurances. Mi Shil ponders as Kim Chun Chu left her chambers. Mi Saeng comes in to asked what did Kim Chun Chu say to her & what was the transpire conversation. Mi Saeng is curious to know what went on. Mi Shil said that she needs to see Se Jong at once. Mi Saeng is surprise that she wants to now so late in the night, Mi Saeng advice her sister that the night is late & leave it for tomorrow to see him. Mi Shil said that she need to see him now. Mi Saeng said that Se Jong must be resting in slumber at his bed by now. Mi Shil raise her voice that Mi Saeng must go & awake him from bed if he has to. Mi Saeng obey his sister’s request & will do it immediately. Mi Shil said that on this very night there will be any things that will be decided that will change the course of history. Mi Shil looks happy & raise her eye brows
The Hwa Baek council presiding as the Nobles convene. Se Jong tells that it has been 700 years of Silla founding, there is never been the existence of a female being made as a Bu Gun. Ha Jong concurs that it has never existed in Goguryeo and Baekje & even in states in China, this have never happened before. Mi Saeng said that how could everybody under the heaven is willing to accept & comprehend this concept of a female Bu Gun. Kim Yong Chun asked will the Council willing to accept a Bu Gun of Jingol lineage, will that be comprehensive. Kim Yong Chu said that it is with regret that the Seonggol heirs has vanish from the lineage. Kim Seo Hyeon concurs that this is indeed true that Princess Deok Man is indeed a female but then she is Seonggol lineage but without a doubt she is the Gaeyang’s keeper, that is in accordance with Silla founding prophecies. Ha Jong has to admit that this is truth but then…Mi Saeng concurs that Deok Man is Seonggol lineage indeed but although Seonggol….Mi Shil makes her arrival
Mi Shil comes in to the Hwa Baek & apologise for her late attendance as she has pressing matter to attend. King Jinpyeong asked what is the pressing matter all about. Mi Shil asked whether the agenda is now debating on the next Bu Gun as King Jinpyeong confirm that it is indeed so & that King Jinpyeong has extended the invitation & the possibility that a Jingol might aspire to become the Bu Gun. King Jinpyeong said that he has decree so. Mi Shil tells that she has brought someone that may has that aspiration & the candidacy to be the next Bu Gun. Mi Shil asked that person to enter
The door opens & Kim Chun Chu comes in to address to the Hwa Baek council. King Jinpyeong, Queen Maya & especially Deok Man is surprise at his presence. Kim Chun Chu greets the King & Queen
Kim Chun Chu: I am the lineal descent of Gaeyang keeper Princess Cheon Myeong, Kim…..Chun….Chu.
Chok Ja is the lineal descent or the legit child
Kim Chun Chu said his greetings of respect. Deok man recalls Kim Chun Chu in their first meeting asking Deok Man what does she think of her intent for return to Seorabeol & his heart feeling are. Kim Chun Chu has lofty aspiration to own Silla as his own
King Jinpyeong is taken aback & asked what his purpose of his visit here . Mi Shil said that Kim Chun Chu is the son of Kim Yong Su who died at battle before being proclaim as Crown Prince & Princess Cheon Myeong lineal son. If his grandfather King Jinji wasn’t depose from his throne then he wouldn’t have been demote to the rank of Jingol then which leave Kim Chun Chu as a Seonggol. Kim Seo Hyeon said that he is however at present a Jingol. Kim Seo Hyeon said that there are many reason that might has cause this to happened but the present truth is that it does not change the fact that his status is Jingol
Mi Shil confirm that if they will to abide by the Golpumjedo that he will indeed class him as Jingol but however… Kim Chun Chu then Kim Chun interrupts her by making a statement
Kim Chun Chu: The Golpumjedo system is ……. an obsolete & defunct system
Mi Shil is shock that Kim Chun Chu outright critics on the Golpumjedo in which she never foresee that Kim Chun Chu will attack the system with his criticism. Kim Seo Hyeon warn Kim Chun Chu to refrain speaking in contempt of the foundation of Silla, how dare he makes such a statement as Kim Chun Chu tells that he may be too young that he is foolish to comprehend to attain the deep knowledge that belittle his judgement but he has found there the Golpumjedo is the crudeness & an inappropriately silly that the system is no where to be found in this world being in China or even the Western Region (Seo Yeong) that he has never heard of this system being incorporated
Seo Yeong is the Western Region from Rome & or anything that is West of China & beyond
Mi Shil looks bombshell as Deok Man now realise that Kim Chun Chu has thrown down the gauntlet to duel with his Aunt Deok Man for passage to the throne.
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