Birth name : Beata Polakowska
Birth Date: (age 24)
Birth place : Ostrów Mazowiecka
Height : 1.72 m (5 ft 7 1⁄2 in)
Weight: 57 kilos
Measurements: 82-65-88
Occupation: Student
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Title(s) :
Poland is a beautiful country because of its diversity. We have access to the beautiful sea, picturesque mountains, beautiful lakes and forests. Within our country, one can still find a place untouched by man. We also have rich history and culture.
Describe your childhood when you were growing up from 8 to 13 years old.
I grew up in the countryside. I loved spending time outdoors, surrounded by animals. When I was 6 years we moved to the town of Ostrow Mazowiecka. At school I made friends with many people. I was interested in sport and the arts. And still I appreciate the contact with nature.
What lessons did you learn from your childhood/growing years?
Village life has taught me respect for life and the environment. By communing with nature, I realized how important it is to the environment and that they should be respected. I also believe that every child should have a happy and wonderful childhood, spent close to nature. From an early age, each of us should enjoy the beauty of nature and learn to respect it. I am happy that my childhood helped me learn to love Mother Earth. Now I'm learning to be able to protect the environment and preserve its beauty for the younger generations.
What is your most memorable moment?
One of the funniest situation happened to me during a visit to the school. Already as Miss Polonia , I got an a invitation from one of the schools from my hometown. I met children who asked a lot of interesting questions. The questions concerned the Miss Polonia contest, my interests, tastes and everyday life. The funniest thing was the question: would I go with them on a school trip to the mountains? This visit, I will be always remember.
What is your environmental advocacy?
I think people should respect the environment. We should treat them as a gift to our children and just a legacy from our ancestors. Remember that any irresponsible and reckless actions could have irreversible consequences. Let's take care to preserve species biodiversity and preservation of the greatest areas of forests. We should reduce emissions and waste production. Let's take care of the environment because this earth is our mother. Remember: the Earth will survive without man - Do not destroy our house.