The relationship between the father and son had always been distant. The son felt that the father's set of principles were too outdated. The father always mentioned that he had a strange encounter in his younger days, but the son was certain that it was just his excuse to cover up his failure. During the period when their relationship was the most strained, the father met an accident and went into a coma, with his life hanging on a thread. The son was remorseful, and while feeling lost and helpless, he accidentally traveled back in time - returning to the younger days of his father... The father and son actually became good friends. In this simple generation-period, the son learned how to get along with others again, and experienced how valuable relationships with his closed ones are. He even witnessed the strange encounter during his father's younger days - which was actually that the father had met up with the son, whom wasn't supposed to be born yet at that time...
俗 谚虽有云「虎父无犬子」,但对於楚氏两父子来说的确有点牵强,因他俩不论性格、对人处事、甚至人生目标都是南辕北辙。父亲楚帆(陈锦鸿)由内到外尽是六十 年代情怀、儿子楚慈(吴卓羲)则嫌自己活在廿一世纪步伐还太慢;一个跨时空、跨时代的时装喜剧,当中发生的情节不单使人百般回味,更让人悟思到「将相本无 种,男儿当自强」的硬道理。 廿一世纪的楚慈阴差阳错回到父亲楚帆年少气盛时的六十年代,父子情摇身变了兄弟情,楚慈获楚帆好心收留后,因而结识 了麵档缩骨老闆高山泉(姜大伟),泼辣包租婆谭兰青(黄淑仪) 、斗气小情人程兰芬(杨思琦)及千金小姐梁翩翩(胡定欣)。楚慈得罪人多,称呼人少,令同屋共住如敛财沙展牛正荣(阮兆祥)等人皆对他神憎鬼厌,只有楚帆 一直处处维护他,又介绍他到百货公司工作,但好大喜功的楚慈一如过往,只懂埋怨父亲作风守旧、损己利人的性格,更不慎连累同屋共主几乎无家可归;楚慈又恶 意破坏父亲与老千苏凤妮(胡杏儿)的感情关係,正当他悔悟过来时,才知道自己原来..