Sinopsis global sinetron Hafizah

Sejak kecil Hafizah tinggal di panti asuhan tanpa tahu siapa orangtuanya. Banyak yang menyukai karakternya yang sederhana, riang, sekaligus tomboy. Sayangnya di hari ulang tahun ke-18 Hafizah harus meninggalkan panti asuhan sesuai peraturan yang berlaku. Kehidupan Hafizah pun berubah. Ia diajak bekerja di rumah Widuri, seorang nenek kaya yang terkenal galak dan pemarah. Sikap Hafizah yang ceplas-ceplos mengakibatkannya kerap bentrok dengan Widuri. Surya, putra Widuri, dan istrinya, Vani, membujuk Hafizah agar betah bekerja. Sebetulnya, bukan hanya Widuri yang harus dihadapi tapi juga Rian, cucunya. Kelakuan Rian yang belagu menjadikan mereka sering bertengkar. Perlahan, Hafizah tahu kelakuan Rian yang seperti itu karena rumah tangga orangtuanya tidak bahagia. Vani ternyata bukan pilihan Surya. Wanita yang ia cintai adalah Wahida, namun sayang hubungan mereka tidak pernah mendapat restu dari Widuri dan suami karena Wahida hanya seorang pembantu. Vani yang mengetahui hal ini merasa kecewa pada suaminya hingga melampiaskan semuanya pada alkohol.

Setiap kali Hafizah dimarahi Widuri atau pun bertengkar dengan Rian, maka Hafizah akan mencari Arya untuk curhat. Arya adalah keponakan Vani yang juga tinggal di sana bersama ayahnya, Afzal. Dibanding dengan Rian, maka Arya tipe lelaki pendiam. Sehari-hari ia lebih banyak di dalam kamarnya untuk melukis. Arya benci ayahnya. Menurutnya, ibu dan kekasihnya meninggal dunia gara-gara ayahnya mabuk saat berkendara. Kesamaan sifat Hafizah dengan almarhumah kekasihnya mengembalikan semangat hidup Arya.

Ketika Hafizah terus menerus memperlakukan Arya sebagai teman dekat dan bisa dipercaya, ia baru mengetahui bahwa Arya jatuh cinta padanya. Suatu ketika, Hafizah yang tomboy berdandan keren dan datang ke pesta dimana Rian juga hadir. Rian yang playboy, pangling dan tidak menyadari Hafizah adalah pembantunya. Ia pun jatuh cinta pada Hafizah. Tapi Hafizah bertekad memberi pelajaran pada playboy ini dengan membiarkannya dibodohi oleh cinta semu. Tapi pada akhirnya Hafizah malah terjebak dalam hubungan cinta diantara kedua sepupu ini.


Since childhood, Hafizah has been living at an orphanage without knowing who her parents are. A lot of people like her simple, cheerful, and tom boy nature. Unfortunately on her 18th birthday, Hafizah has to leave the orphanage as per the rules and regulations. Her life then changes. She is asked to work at Widuri's house, a rich and famous old lady who is known for being mean and grumpy. Hafizah's attitude of saying whatever is in her heart often lead to clashes with Widuri. Surya, Widuri's son, and his wife, Vani, persuade Hafizah to continue working there. Actually, it is not just Widuri whom Hafizah has to deal with but also Rian, Widuri's grandson. Rian's spoilt brat attitude leads to arguments. With time, Hafizah learnts that Rian is the way he is because his parents are unhappy with one another. Vani was not Surya's choice, The woman he loves is actually Wahida but unfortunately their relationship was not accepted by Widuri and her husband because Wahida was just a maid. Vani is aware of this and is disappointed with her husband that she finds solace in alcohol only.

Every time Hafizah is shouted at by Widuri or even fighting with Rian, Hafizah goes to Arya to pour out her feelings to. Arya is Vani's nephew who also lives there with his father, Afzal. Compared to Rian, Arya is of the quiet type. He spends most of his time in his room drawing. Arya hates his father. According to him, his mother and his girlfriend passed away because his father was driving under the influence of alcohol. The similarity between Hafizah and his late girlfriend gives Arya the will to live.

When Hafizah continues to treat Arya as a close and trusting friend, she comes to know that Arya is in love with her. At one instance, tomboy Hafizah dresses up really well and goes to a party where even Rian is present. Rian the playboy doesn't recognize Hafizah as the maid, He too falls in love with her. Hafizah is determined to teach this playboy a lesson by fooling him with her false love. But in the end, Hafizah gets trapped in a love triangle between both the cousins.

Pemain sinetron Hafizah

Galih Ginanjar sebagai Arya
Randy Pangalila sebagai Rian
Olivia Lubis Jensen sebagai Hafizah
Ferry Salim sebagai Surya
Cut Tary sebagai Vani
Ade Irawan sebagai Widuri

Synopsis of Episode 1

On that day, Hafizah, a cheerful girl and a tomboy, who lives in an orphanage is getting ready to go for work

When she is about to reach the place, a car almost hits Hafizah. Fortunately Hafizah is saved. But on the other hand, the driver of that car has injured himself badly. Hafizah helps him. The guy's name is Rian.

One day, Hafizah is shocked and sad because according to the rules of the orphanage, it is time for her to leave the place.The person who is in charge of the orphanage and the other orphans are all sad as well.

Synopsis of Episode 2

Hafizah accompanies Grandma Widuri to the office for a meeting. This is where she meets Arya.

Widuri slaps Hafizah because she thinks that Hafizah has hurt Rian.

Surya threatens that he will divorce Vani if she tries to interfere in his office matters.

Hafizah throws an egg on Sylvia's head. Sylvia is shocked but Hafizah laughs happily.

Synopsis of Episode 3

As the house was dark, Hafizah thinks that she has seen a thief but it is infact Rian who is getting out of the house. Hafizah immediately attacks Rian.

Rian orders Hafizah to be quiet until she finds a solution to their problem.

Rian and Sylvia are upset because of Hafizah's behavior. Rian then feels certain that Hafizah will fall into their trap.


Synopsis of Episode 4

Arya finds similarity between Hafiza and Afifa, especially her face and her smile.

Rian doesn’t feel guilty at all when he hits Ratna.

Hafizah punches the person who has hit Ratna.






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