Birth name : Sandra Vester
Birth Date: (age 25)
Birth place : Copenhagen
Height : 1.62 m (5 ft 4 in)
Weight: 50 kilos
Measurements: 84-64-89
Occupation: Model
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Title(s) :
Biography 2004 was the year when I took my first step into the fashion world. My participation in the international beauty contest 'Miss Scandinavia 2004 was for me a springboard to try out my interest in this industry. Since then I have become much richer experience, my versatility and my broader model work today embraces everything from participation in various skønhedskon competitions for still photos, commercials, music videos, extra work etc.
Besides creating a wonderful family and getting a great education, my ambition in life is to pursue my dreams even though they sometimes can seem unachievable. One of my ambitions in life is to fight for a wider definition of the ideas of beauty. In other words, to find true love and happiness and to be able to look back at my life as an old lady with a satisfying feeling of having achieved the majority of the dreams I have had through my entire life.
Describe your childhood when you were growing up from 8 to 13 years old.
When I was 8-13 years I lived with my parents and my little brother in town called Albertslund where I was born and raised. Living in a terrace, I always had a handful of children to play with and I was lucky to get the opportunity to grow up in a good environment with beautiful surroundings.
I had the forest just nearby and the beach was only a bike ride away. In addition to that I can proudly say that my home city was actually the first municipality in Denmark to become 100% environmentally certified and it is today a so-called green city together with 6 others Danish municipalities which shows commitment by ensuring that the environment and the climate are included in all processes, at all levels. However in this period of my life my parents also got separated.
Luckily they kept their friendship and they both stayed in my hometown which made it easy for me and my bother to see each other and live with our parents just the way we wanted to. Therefore regardless of my parents' separation I had a wonderful childhood and grew up in a safe and loving environment.
What lessons did you learn from your childhood/growing years?
I have learnt that family comes first. As a child you sometimes live in your own little world and it can be difficult to see things in a bigger perspective. This of course changes with time and with the fact that you grow older and automatically become more aware of what really matters in life. I learnt my lesson by realising how different families can be and that a good childhood is not just a matter of course. By always loving and respecting me wholeheartedly and giving me a safe and loving childhood I learnt to be grateful and humble for the people in my life and life itself. When I think about the fact that family is not something we just choose like friends, partners and pets it makes me realise how blessed I am for having exactly the family I have been given. They are my life counsellors and at the end of the day it will always be my family who will leave the door half open for me when I need a place to be, a shoulder to cry on or just a smile and a warm hug.
What is your most memorable moment?
Essentially, I have a little handful of precious memorable moments but one of my most memorable is the Christmas Eves I got to spent with my family and beloved grandmother before she passed away. She was a warm person, my life inspiration and the person who gathered my family together. I can still remember the wonderful smell of Christmas food, candle lights and Christmas goodies after returning from church and how me, my brother and the rest of her grandchildren sat in a neat row in front of the television excitedly waiting for the yearly Disney Christmas Show with Jiminy Cricket, Bambi and the cute mice in Cinderella to enter the screen. When it was time to walk around the Christmas tree and the room was only lit by candles my grandmother set the tone and we all sang and danced until there were no songs left in our booklets. Besides the above mentioned never-ending presents, reading aloud Christmas stories and lots of coziness became our yearly ingredients of a true Christmas Eve.
What is your environmental advocacy?
Today, overconsumption is a key environmental problem in many developing countries, including Denmark. I find it alarming that we together with many of the other developed countries over the last decade have developed a throw away culture whereby we throw too much away without a second thought. Thus my advocacy is to reduce the copious amounts of waste including: paper and food we throw out annually by making recycling, sharing and caring for Mother Earth become a new trend. More money should be used on products developed from nature where all resources can be recycled in new forms and therefore do not result in waste. Additionally, we need to raise greater awareness of the different methods of recycling and more climate friendly opportunities we can all make use of as consumers in our everyday lives. I believe that change begins within the individual and this is something we can all take part in and should take part in – not only for our own sake but for the present and future generations.