Kim Yu Shin stands before Deok Man & declares

Kim Yu Shin: The person that I have chosen as my sovereign ruler

Deok Man is surprise at Kim Yu Shin public declaration

Deok Man: Yu Shin Rang? How can you…..

Kim Yu Shin step forwards

Kim Yu Shin: From here onwards you are now my sovereign ruler

Kim Yu Shin kneels to Deok Man as a sign of his legions to her

Kim Yu Shin turns to Wyol Ya

Kim Yu Shin: You must pay your legion to the sovereign of our alliance

Wyol Ya: This is the sovereign ruler of our alliance, all hail & mark respect for her

Wyol Ya kneels before Deok Man for his legion & so followed the rest of Bo Gya Hoe. Seo Ji was the last to kneel. Al Cheon bow & kneels before Deok Man the last is Bi Dam. Deok Man shock at the men around her given her legion, as Kim Yu Shin resign his love to support the person he love as his sovereign ruler

Deok Man enter 2nd phase to her Road to the Silla throne as Queen Regnant

Kim Yu Shin takes Deok Man aside for private moment as Deok Man question his intention in his public declaration. Kim Yu Shin excuse that for this very last time, may he be insolent of Deok Man status. Kim Yu Shin said that to serve under his sovereign will take all his devotion in servitude to King, so as it is that his love for Deok Man takes all his devotion for her but however he doesn’t know how divide this devotion of his equally, so that is why from here onwards, that his emotion for her will & all he feeling for her as a man will end. Kim Yu Shin will serve her, assist her & will take lead for her but he never able to love her as a man should be. Although Kim Yu Shin chose her but she chose the throne over him, there the only choice he can made as of now is he will serve Deok Man as his sovereign. Deok Man is taken back as Kim Yu Shin added that beside that option there is no method of way that he can surrender his heart to Deok Man & beside that reason, Deok Man also has no other choice to accept his heartfelt feelings

Kim Yu Shin asked Deok Man not to deter as of now they can’t seek comfort with each other like ordinary people even if he is beside her as the protocol don’t allow us to do so. Kim Yu Shin said that Deok Man mentioned that she didn’t want to make Kim Yu Shin one of her chess pieces in a massive chess board but her suffering will be far greater than his. It is because Kim Yu Shin will be her subject & as subjects there is always something they seek from their sovereign. This is what he had learned from Deok Man. Kim Yu Shin said that as a ruler ones need to give hope to their people, so that he will do as he has that same dreams as Deok Man that he will asked from her but Deok Man will have to journey this road alone in darkness but as she walks alone fear not that Kim Yu Shin will always follow her through thick & thin in the journey she partake. Kim Yu Shin no longer can reprimand her, can’t asked her to put sandbags on her ankles, can’t hold her hands, this is the chose choice path he will take. Deok Man leaves but Kim Yu Shin hold her back & pull Deok Man in & embrace her tightly as it pains Kim Yu Shin that he can’t only do this for one last time. Deok Man said to herself that this is the last time that they will embrace, thereafter she will have to journey this journey alone.

Al Cheon asked what had happened as the alliance with Bo Gya Hoe was sealed. Kim Yu Shin said that he surrender his family entitlement Anyang Ju land to Bo Gya Hoe. Deok Man asked what about Wyol Cheon. Kim Yu Shin said that they will be soon handing over Wyol Cheon to their custody. Deok Man asked Kim Yu Shin to rescue the Gaya refugees in Da Gil districts for imminent slaughter from Bo Jong’s men, the make sure they let Mi Shil’s camp know that they have Wyol Cheon in their custody. Deok Man is certain that Seol Won Rang will attack Samyang Ju as a retaliation for the deceit as punishment. Kim Yu Shin takes the order as Deok Man said that she will meet with Wyol Cheon

Seo Ji queries about Kim Yu Shin’s intention & the rumours of the existence of the younger twin Princess & asked whether they need to render their trust to Kim Yu Shin’s promise & barter. He asked Wyol Ya whether Kim Yu Shin is serving under this so called younger twin Princess. Wyol Ya confirm that it seems so. Seo Ji said that it will be difficult for Deok Man to regain her status as Princess due to the known prophesy by founding father of King Bakhyeoggeose, can they able to trust Kim Yu Shin on this Wyol Ya tells Seo Ji that he adopts a wait & see as they now has the Anyang lands from Kim Yu Shin where they can settle the refugees for better agriculture prospect. Seo Ji said that this will give them a sure footing. Wyol Ya said as for now it is sufficient as the will work with Kim Yu Shin on this for a while

Kim Yu Shin orders some men to go rescue the Gaya people from Samyang Ju & help them settle in Anyang Ju, allocation of farming land will be distributed when they get there by tonight. The men leaves to follow the orders. Wyol Ya said that just because Kim Yu Shin decree his family land to them doesn’t mean he has earn their loyalty. Kim Yu Shin understands but just asked Wyol Ya to abide the promise he had made in a pact, unless Kim Yu Shin betray them, then he must adhere to the term of their alliance. Wyol Ya asked what they can do. Kim Yu Shin said that they can follow the Gaya tradition of private army. It is common that Nobles family do have an amount of private army, even to the time of Guryeo, this practice was seen. It was not until the Joseon Dynasty during reign Taejong that it was abolished. During peace time this army are farmers cultivating the lands but in times of war, they can trained to take arms.

Wyol Ya doesn’t think that any disadvantages to that idea. Seo Ji brings Wyol Cheon to see Deok Man as Seo Ji introduce the monk as Wyol Cheon. Deok Man could recognise Seo Ji as the leader of the refugee camp back at Manno Fortress. Seo Ji instantly could recognise that Deok Man was the child who brought rain. Deok Man stood up in greeting & confirm that she indeed was that child. Seo Ji was overjoyed in seeing Deok Man that she is the rumoured younger twin Silla princess. Deok Man affirms that so it seem that she is that person. Seo Ji overwhelm on what fate has come upon them. Seo Ji recalls the encounter of the determined Deok Man when she vouched that she will bring rain to the drought land. Deok Man enquire what happened to Seo Ji after it was raided prior to the rain. Seo Ji said that the refugee camp was destroy on that day & as they fled they were fortunate to be saved by Bo Gya Hoe. Deok Man asked whether the refugee camps resident were predominately Gaya citizens as Seo Ji conform that most of the resident were from Gaya. Seo Ji is glad to meet with Deok Man again & render his heartfelt gratitude to her at that time. Seo Ji before leaving give stern advice that they were about to killed him if it was for Deok Man’s request, he would have be dead, so he must thanked Deok Man for his spare life, so he will have to give Deok man his full cooperation. Seo Ji leaves as he can’t believe that he would have met Deok Man again in this world

Mi Shil is inform by Seol Won Rang that they have been dupe over the whereabouts of Wyol Cheon by the Gaya refugees. Mi Shil asked how can the refugee makes a mockery out of Seol Won Rang. Mi Shil asked Seol Won Rang to punish & make them pay for dare to lie to them, so that they must learn not to make a mockery out of them. Mi Shil demands that Wyol Cheon must be return at all cost

Deok Man asked Wyol Cheon when is the next solar eclipse & asked Wyol Cheon to do the arithmetic for her. Wyol Cheon said that it is difficult to do the mathematic on the current Dae Myeong calendric system. Deok Man produce the Jeong Gwang Ryeol in which Deok Man had heard from someone that the formulation of the eclipse system from Jeong Gwang Ryeol surpasses the present accurate Dae Myeong Ryeol lunisolar calendar, even though it have many discrepancies of the slip of days in other factors but in terms of calculating the earth rotation axis & tilt is still far superior

Se Cha is earth tilt & axis

In ancient times, & now in some cultures today, solar eclipses have been attributed to supernatural causes. Total solar eclipses can be frightening for people who are unaware of their astronomical explanation, as the Sun seems to disappear in the middle of the day and the sky darkens in a matter of minutes. Total eclipse are rare but the recent solar eclipse on July 22nd 2009 was the longest total eclipse that lasted about 6 mins & 39 sec of the 21st century although there was an annular solar eclipse on January 26th 2009. The next annular solar eclipse January 15th 2010 & the next total solar eclipse is July 11th 2010. The solar & lunar eclipse runs on a system that is called the Saros cycle in which eclipse runs on a period of 18 years 11 days 8 hours (approximately 6585⅓ days). I assume that the Zheng Gwang Li has this formulation mathematics to the Saros series. If I can remember equation Eclipse cycle is equal Synodic month (the average period of the Moon’s revolution with respect to the sun) multiply Draconic month (also called the nodical month, it is where the orbit of the moon lies in a plane that is tilted with respect to the plane of the ecliptic) divided by Synodic month minus Draconic month

Wyol Cheon is not deter as why he should help Deok Man. Deok Man claims that the lunar eclipse that Wyol Cheon has done mathematics has goes grievances & misery to the people of Gaya. Deok Man asked from a person who formerly from Gaya & a man of science & maths, isn’t he remorse on his action that he has bestow to his fellow countryman. Wyol Cheon tells for giving example that a blacksmith forges a metal into a blade. Then someone takes that blade & kills someone. Then another who cook food for people’s benefits but yet someone uses food to bring harm to others (It sounds like Dae Jang Geum, using food as a political weapon). Is that to say that the black smith will be accounted for the death the blade has caused. Deok Man said that the black smith has the right to sell that blade to whosoever. Must the black smith sell that blade to someone that will kill with that blade for personal glory & gain? Is that the principals of a man of maths & science?

Wyol Cheon laugh & asked what so different about Deok Man is her request. Deok Man affirm that she is different. Wyol Cheon said that Deok Man is here to defeat Mi Shil in her game, that why Deok man is seeking the dates of the solar eclipse to win over Mi Shil. Wyol Cheon said that people who dwell in politics are all the same. The people of maths & science will always be the same by being manipulate by the people of politics. Wyol Cheon asked what reason is there that he must help Deok Man. Deok Man had to think quick.

Seol Won Rang comes to Samyang Ju only to find that it has been emptied from occupants. Seol Won Rang is surprise when Bo Jong reports to him that there is no one in sight at the village. Bo Jong tells that they may had fled in the night. Then Seok Bum shout to Seol Won Rang & Bo Jong that they had found something & need them to take a look. The cadre tries to read it obviously illiterate

Message: Abbot Wyol Cheon is definitely had been taken away by me. Deok Man

Bo Jong reading the message knows that the message means that Deok Man has Wyol Cheon with her. Cadre bring down Wyol Cheon’s pray beads or Mala. Seol Won Rang asked that Deok Man indeed has Wyol Cheon with her

Mala or the Buddhist rosary consists of 108 beads that is using to keeping count while reciting, chanting, or mentally repeating a mantra or the name or names of a deity or gods. The version that Wyol Cheon wear as a necklace is only 36 but there are 27 or 18 version beads. It had to be in multiples of 9

Wyol Cheon is left to ponder & think as Deok Man left the Jeong Gwang Ryeol on the table. Wyol Cheon looks at the book as he recalls Deok Man said that if the book is not utilised by Wyol Cheon then the book is of no used to her. It is up to him in how he should handle the book either to use it or to destroy it, it will be up to his decision

Bi Dam asked Deok Man will Wyol Cheon really goes to read the book. Deok Man said that Wyol Cheon is a man of science & maths & he can’t resist the knowledge before him & his curiousity will kill him & he will be determine that he will read the book. When Wyol Cheon reads the book, he will do the maths for the solar eclipse.

Seol Won Rang brings Deok Man’s message to Mi Shil to read. Mi Saeng confirms that the Buddhist pray beads indeed belongs to Abbot Wyol Cheon. Mi Shil is angry on the incident that is happening before her. Mi Shil asked how Deok Man did came to have knowledge of Wyol Cheon existence & then now Deok Man has Wyol Cheon in her possession. Seol Won Rang confirm that Deok Man is not in league with Bo Gya Hoe. Mi Shil question Deok Man with Bo Gya Hoe as Seol Won Rang really need to know how important Abbot Wyol Cheon is for her so he can act upon the matter. Seol Won Rang then queries that Abbot Wyol Cheon is the person who is managing the Sadaham Plum Blossom. Mi Shil affirm the fact. Mi Saeng is surprise that Mi Shil told it straight out with consideration. Seol Won Rang said that they must have him at all cost since Seo Ri is already dead. Mi Saeng conform they must have Wyol Cheon return to them. Mi Shil is upset that she is losing grip in the situation

Bi Dam then queries about the beginning of the prophesy Eochul Ssangsaeng Seonggol Nam Jin. Al Cheon tells the story told by his father that when founding father Hyeokgeose was near death that he crave the stone tablet with that prophesy. The stone is now store in the Royal Household archives. Bi Dam then asked how to the common people knew about the prophesy. Kim Yu Shin & Al Cheon adds that during the time of Sil Seop Ma Rip Gan (King Silseop the 18th Silla Ruler, pre Unification), then Kim Nulji (King Nulji became the 19th ruler of Silla) plotted for the throne, as Kim Nulji pursuit King Silseop after King Silseop fail attempt on Kim Nulji’s life the disappear together with the crave stone by Hyeokgeose that was kept in the Royal archives. Bi Dam then knows that the content of the stone tablet was made to the known public. Kim Yu Shin said that the problem arise that when King Silseop taken the fall, the stone tablet was shatter during the fall. The only pieces that were in King Silseop’s hand when he died was only the tablet left that said Eochul Ssangsaeng Seonggol Nam Jin.

Why don’t I get the feeling that it is like the 10 commandments that it was suppose to be 15 but Moses drop a table with the 5 commandants on his way down from Mt Sinai & declare to the world that there is 10 commandments.

Eochul Ssangsaeng Seonggol Nam Jin. If the Silla Royal Household should borne twin daughters. The scared lineage of Seonggol sacred bone (royal) males’ heirs shall forever vanish.

Bakhyeokgeose is the founding father of Silla Empire

Bi Dam said that there is more phases in the tablet that at present. Al Cheon affirm but the other additional phase is also crave from stone but the whereabouts of the other stone table is not known. Bi Dam said whatever comes after that phase their fate will change accordingly. Al Cheon confirms that it is likely so. Deok Man had an idea as Bi dam said that we should tried to locate that stone tablet. Deok Man said how they will be able to find that stone tablet from 200 years. Al Cheon said that the people are raving & ranting over the existence of the twins’ birth with the bulletins that is posted. Kim Yu Shin said that bulletin is to cause damaged to King Jinpyeong over the twin birth that they need to find the stone tablet fast. Deok Man said that to regain her Princess’ status, the birth of the twins must come to light. Deok Man would have done the same by posting those bulletins

Deok Man asked Kim Yu Shin to gather Yonghwa Hyangdo as they must proceed with action. Mi Saeng said that Wyol Cheon will not succumb to Deok Man since prior to his capture that the solar eclipse is difficult to calculate with the present facilities. How can he do the mathematics without obtaining the Jeong Gwang Ryeol to help in the formulation & assures her sister not to be too worried about the matter. Although they not don’t have the facility to determine the solar eclipse but however that their plans does not necessary had to depend on natural phenomena to execute their plans

Meanwhile Mi Shil & Mi Saeng are scheming that the matter in regards that the twins birth must come forth & be highlighted; they can’t sit idle around waiting for Wyol Cheon’s return & need to seize the opportunity to reacted to the matter. Mi Shil asked the new High Priestess Seol Mae to come to see her. Mi Shil tapping her fingers for scheme. Joo Bang & Go Do being in hiding as Go Do asked Joo Bang what will happened to them as now do they need to be fugitive running from the Mi Shil’s grasp. Joo Bang doesn’t know the answer & wonder when they are going to bring their meal over. Dae Pung & Guk San Heun comes in smiling as Go Do demands where is their meal. Kim Yu Shin comes in later & greets them. Joo Bang & Go Do overwhelm with joy to see Kim Yu Shin & goes to hug him in joy

Joo Bang asked what is going on since Deok Man & Kim Yu Shin was reported missing then they were apprehended & being transport here & there. Go Do complaints that they were also being beaten here & there. Kim Yu Shin said that they must had gone through a lot of suffering & pain & it was hard on them. Kim Yu Shin asked them not to waste any more time to just come follow him. Joo Bang then enquire about Deok Man as Kim Yu Shin said that they will take this discussion as they walked

Deok Man goes to see Wyol Cheon as Wyol is really in tempting curiousity to look into the Jeong Gwang Ryeol that is right in front of him. Deok Man asked Wyol Cheon to please do the maths on the solar eclipse for her. Wyol Cheon tells of his family background that his family were the Royal Astronomers of Gaya but however when the fall of Daegaya, the first & foremost that his family was cleanse by the Royal Family & in that Wyol Cheon witness the killing of his own father. Wyol Cheon asked why did the Daegaya Royal Household did what they did. Deok Man said that the killing was done to prevent Silla from getting hold of Gaya astronomy knowledge. Wyol Cheon said that it is indeed correct that he was about to put to death when he was then saved by Sadaham & gave him refuge

Now we all know how Sadaham got hold Gaya calendric system. Wyol Cheon’s fmaily is Gaya’s national secret

Wyol Cheon said that he know that he was made used off by Mi Shil, that is because he did that out of loyalty & gratitude to Sadaham rather than Mi Shil. Deok Man said that even if it so, Mi Shil has used that excuse to go on ethnic cleanse the Gaya people from this earth. Wyol Cheon tells Deok Man that it is not his problem to solve but hers. Wyol Cheon also know that Deok Man will use that same knowledge in doing the exact purpose. Wyol Cheon said that it is not a bad idea but he sees no reason in cooperating or collaborate with her. As Wyol Cheon enters to his last stage of life, he doesn’t want to be make used like a pawn again, it is best to end his life now. Deok Man can’t seem to persuade Wyol Cheon otherwise as he is being stubborn

Joo Bang enters the Bo Gya Hoe camp & notices Deok Man & call out to her with glee as they ran towards her in embrace. Joo Bang asked that during this time was she alright. Al Cheon reprimand Joo Bang as they didn’t show Deok Man the proper protocol. Joo Bang greets Al Cheon & said that it been a long while that they had seen Deok Man how can Al Cheon reprimand them. Go Do said that they had a lot of things to tell Deok Man. Dae Pung & Guk San Heun also heard something strange about her being a female & there is rumoured that Deok Man is also a Royal Princess. Al Cheon asked them to watch their etiquette as Deok Man is indeed a Royal Princess of Silla. Al Cheon asked were not they been brief by Kim Yu Shin on the way here. Joo Bang heard of it like a whistle pass his ears & didn’t take note of the authenticity of the information. Joo Bang wants conformation from Deok Man to state whether it was true. Deok man smiles as Go Do said that she is the Royal Princess & the present Silla King’s daughter & that she is a female. Deok Man conform that all is correct & true, so that is why Deok Man now require their assistance. Joo Bang is left gapping with his mouth open when Kim Yu Shin comes & asked whether they had met with Princess Deok Man. Joo Bang reaffirm & stutters that Deok Man is indeed Royal Princess. Kim Yu Shin confirms & asked his Yonghwa Hyang Do cadre to give due respect in greetings to the Princess Deok Man.

Joo Bang is thrill as he goes to his knees to greet Deok Man. Deok Man doesn’t want her former colleagues or brothers in arms to do this, but al Cheon said that this is protocol & they must abide by that protocol. Kim Yu Shin asked what is the order she was to instruct Yonghwa Hyang Do. Deok Man asked for the moment they need to gather some human bones & cat’s urine. Kim Yu Shin asked what do they need these items for. Deok Man said that they need these item as soon as possible

Human bones remains I can understand, it may be easy to attain, but cat’s urine, how they going to wean cat’s urine from the cat’s bladder

Joo Bang in private tells Kim Yu Shin to his surprise that they had seen So Hwa Deok Ma’s mother who suppose to have died in the desert sand storm in Taklamakan & Deok Man had feared her death is alive & well. Go Do concurs Joo Bang’s story that she was kept in the same premises as them during their capture but however during their attempt escape, things didn’t go too well; they only got to see her fall off the slope. They can’t estimate whether she survive that fall or not. Joo Bang asked Kim Yu Shin what are they supposed to do about the matter. Kim Yu Shin asked them to keep mute over the matter. Go DO said that Deok Man had the right to know that her mother So Hwa is still alive. They all know how fond Deok Man is to her mother. Kim Yu Shin said that this is the reason why they must to tell her. It is already enough traumas that she had to tolerate in this short period of time & needn’t add anymore of her sorrows. Yonghwa Hyangdo has to agree to Kim Yu Shin gagged order. Yonghwa Hyangdo also taking in hard to digest the truth about Deok Man & furthermore the strange order that Deok Man has asked them to d about human bones & cat’s urine

Meanwhile some “Ninja” pours out a bang of dead avian. The next morning King Jinpyeong queries how come there is so many dead birds in the courtyard of the palace. This is Mi Shil doctored omen. Kim Seo Hyeon said strange incident. Se Jong comes in with this theatrics to say that it is a sign of bad omen & calamity is resting upon the nation. King Jinpyeong had his doubt in Se Jong’s sincerity of concern. Ha Jong comes reporting that in the entrance of the palace there is something amiss. King Jinpyeong goes to the entrance to see the palace signage being broken to bits. Kim Yong Chu assures King Jinpyeong that these incident are mere coincidence the dead birds are due to nature’s phenomena & the signage is just old that it has fallen die to age

Seol Mae comes to be bearer of bad tiding with the indication of the death of the birds & the fallen signage as a bad omen & evil will befall on Silla Royal Household. Kim Seo Hyeon asked Seol Mae to be caution on what she is trying to implied in the matter, how dare she give adversary on those implication that indicating that the Royal Household is facing uncertain doom. Ha Jong confirms that the same happenings are going on outside the palace walls. King Jinpyeong is surprise that it is happening outside the palace wall as well. Seol Mae & Se Jong said that the birds crash against the tombstone of the formers Kings to their death

Kim Yu Shin reports that the on goings happening of this incident had forbearing as bad omen against the Royal Household. The Royal Household’s confidence is stir by this incident. Al Cheon said that Mi Shil has a hand in orchestrating this events. Deok Man smiles as she could anticipate that Mi Shil had made her move. Joo Bang comes in as he greets Deok Man as Royal Princess & tell her that what she had order them to do, they already had gather for further instruction. Deok Man tells that effort well done & now asked them to catch live birds. Joo Bang is surprise at Deok Man’s another strange request for live birds. Deok Man tells as much as they can catch & they must definitely be caught life at all cost. Bi Dam said if it is about birth, he had great knowledge in them. Remember our Bi Dam like to eat fowls. Joo Bang finds that Bi Dam addresses Deok Man not in honourifics. Joo Bang asked how do they suppose to catch them alive. Bi Dam said that they must 1st bait them with a fruit name Nongbak Deonggul. The birds goes crazy when they see that fruit. Deok Man asked Al Cheon to assist them in this request. Kim Yu Shin asked what he must do, Deok Man said she had something else in mind for him to do. Deok Man wants him to pay a visit to his home

Se Jong reports that all is well in their orchestrated omens. Public sentiment as grown weary & anxious. Mi Saeng said that the public had know slowly dwindle & forgetting the death of Princess Cheon Myeong from their thought, how can they so quick to forget. Seol Won Rang said that the people listen diligently but doesn’t pay attention & forget quickly on what they listen. Mi Shil asked Mi Saeng whether other preparation are progressing fine. Mi Saeng asked whether there is additional that he should do as well. Mi Shil said that it will be sufficient as for now. The rest the public sentiment will help them to progress it to the next stage of progress & they needn’t use effort in doing so. Seol Won Rang concurs the stranger the news is; the faster he spreading as rumours it will be without hesitation

Kim Yu Shin pays a visit to his mother Princess Man Myeong as his mother report if Kim Yu Shin has heard about the strange occurrences that is happening around the palace. Kim Yu Shin has heard of it. Princess Man Myeong said that no matter what, it must be Mi Shil scheming for something, will it be fine with them. Kim Yu Shin tell his mother that he & Deok Man has stake everything they have on the plans. Kim Yu Shin said it is not his wish to jeopardise his parents but he risk them & put family’s honour on the line for this gamble. Princess Man Myeong said that the benefit in reimbursement comes from the plans to able to succeed. Princess Man Myeong is understanding & then asked what the purpose of her son visit. Kim Yu Shin asked her mother to pass this letter to Queen Maya. Queen Maya will definitely able to assist in the matter. Princess Man Myeong understands

Queen Maya reads Deok Man’s letter. Deok man already address in writing as her daughter. Princess Man Myeong is worried if this matter will be expose in this moment of time will able to bring any advantage to the Royal Household. Queen Maya is determined that she will render assistance without condition or terms. Princess Man Myeong expresses concern but Queen Maya steadfast that no matter what she needs to do as the letter dictates

Kim Yu Shin reports to Deok Man that Queen Maya has agree to help them without condition & terms. Kim Yu Shin said that Queen Maya will help in whatever way that to able Deok man to survive this ordeals towards restoring Deok Man as Royal Princess. Deok Man said that until now, she hadn’t got a change to address her as mother. Kim Yu Shin said even if she hasn’t call her mother, Queen Maya is indeed her mother after all. Deok Man said that her mother who raise her in the desert was also the same. All mother are of the same cloth. Deok Man tells that in regards to Wyol Cheon, the discussion is not as easy as she 1st perceive. Kim Yu Shin asked that Wyol Cheon will not want to collaborate with them in the matter. Deok Man confirms as Deok Man express that she has fear in confronting him. Deok Man said that she can’t persuade to change Wyol Cheon’s perception no matter how she phrase or rewords her words. She has no way in as what he has said it is true & correct in principals.

Deok Man is also making us the science to conjoured to her own benefits & advantages. Deok Man has no clues to go about handling Wyol Cheon. Kim Yu Shin asked Deok Man not to take heed on what Wyol Cheon’s speculate perspective is even if he doesn’t ask or tells. Deok Man must know what Wyol Cheon wants, the same that she will need when she rules this nation & must understand what her citizens require from her as a Ruler in the future. Whatever it may be, the public sentiment can’t be asked or be threaten. It is the same like a mother able to reads what her child’s needs are. Kim Yu Shin asked Deok Man to use the perspective of the heart of a mother to look into the heart of her nation & people, this is what Deok Man needs to undertake

The next day Najeong Well is filled with blood as Mi Saeng, Kim Yong Chu & Seol Mae comes to investigate the strange occurrences. Kim Yong Chu asked what is going on here when he sees the sight of the well. Im Jong reports that a sentry who is guarding the well suddenly witness the well spilling with blood. Kim Yong Chu exclaimed that Najeong well is the source of their founding of this nation, how can this preposterous thing be happening to their nation

Najeong Well (Gyeongjunajeong) in Namsan Gyeongju located on the west of the foothill of Namsan. This well is associated with the legend of Bakhyeokgeose’s birth, the founder of Silla. It is called Najeong. Before the Silla Kingdom, Gyeongju was Jinhan’s territory and it was divided into six and governed by six heads of the villages. One of the six heads, Sobeoldorigong, the head of Goheo village, one day spotted a white horse kneeling down and crying beside the well at the foot of Mt Yangsan. As he approached closer the scene, he noticed a big egg giving out brilliant light. When a baby boy was born out of the egg, he deemed the boy as one sent by heaven and raised him with care. He gave the boy the last name Bak (which has the same pronunciation as the Chinese word for ‘gourd’), because the boy was hatched from an egg that looked like a gourd. He gave him the name Hyeokgeose with the hope that the boy would make the world splendid. On his 13th year, that is B.C. 57, the boy Hyeokgeose founded Seorabeol and became king. The stone monument standing here was made in the 2nd year of King Sunjo (1802) to commemorate King Bakhyeoggeose. The well still in existence in its present & is a designated as Historical Site No 245

Sin Won is the fate of one country flow from the Qi of the Dragon Vein of the founder. This is why that the energy of Qi resides in the Dynasty & if it is tarnish or disturb, it will signify the end of the ruler & its dynasty

Seol Mae said that this is not a normal occurrence that it marked a calamity at hand. Mi Saeng added that Najeong well is spilling with blood, what else except calamity is going to occur in the near future. The crowds comes kneeling that the heaves are in rage & upset, it is certainly have the marking of a bad omen as they are too many strange occurrences in the capital & not to take any notice. They beg that Mi Shil as the keeper of the seal to come & intercede for Silla & appease heaven. Mi Saeng puts on an act & asked how dare they bring up Mi Shil’s name in vain. The crowds begs & asked what are they supposed to do as Mi Shil has the divinity to appease the heavens & she must to something to appease the heavens. Mi Shil needs to read from Heaven will & appease the heaven before calamity strikes Silla as the others in the crowd begs for Mi Shil intercession. Mi Saeng & Seol Mae is happy that the public sentiments are in their favour

Seol Mae asked how did Mi Saeng pull it off. Mi Saeng said it is a simple irrigation theory but collective water in storage then release it into a gush in collective energy. Mi Saeng got Hong Ram Hwa flower dye to dye the water red. Seol Mae praise that Mi Saeng is amazing as Mi Saeng laughs aloud from the praise & Seol Mae advice that Mi Saeng should tone down his laugh

I am not sure what Hong Ram flower is but I think it is the Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius). Safflower flower has been used in TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) for thousands of years. It is used to treat menstrual disorders. Safflower flower is an emmenagogue, meaning that it is given to bring on menstruation . Safflower is also used to treat menstrual pain, to firm up the uterus after childbirth, to ease stiffness and pain in the joints, and sometimes also to treat trauma to the abdomen. According to traditional Chinese usage, safflower flower is a blood regulator; that is, it invigorates and harmonizes the blood and dissolves blood clots. Safflower is said to have a warm nature and a pungent taste. Chinese practitioners use safflower oil massage.

King Jinpyeong holds court as the Ministers tell that this occurrences are of calamity the public is distress. Ha Jong reports that there are crimes rampant in the capital & public sentiments has been stir & after the death of Princess Cheon Myeong, the people has become anxious with anxiety. Mi Saeng suggest that Mi Shil should come forwards to appease the heavens with God giving divinity. The court concurs that Mi Shil should do so. Se Jong concurs that the Council of Nobles also unanimously request Mi Shil to appease heavens with her divinity. King Jinpyeong without a choice request Mi Shil to do her bidding with heavens. Mi Shil said that she will do her upmost best to seek heavens’ will & revelation. She will proceed to do a celestial ritual for 7 days in the Royal Celestial Shrine to access what heavens what from them & will comfort public sentiment & appease heaven’s fury. King Jinpyeong know that it is all a show

Ha Jong thinks that his mother has the power of divinity & had heavens’ favour that she might come out with some revelation. Mi Saeng said that it is of course, all knowing that it is all a charade while Se Jong & Ha Jong are kept in the dark like idiots. Seol Won Rang tempts them that the revelation will included the next successor to the throne

Mi Shil is doing her celestial ritual ceremony in the Royal Celestial Shrine. Meanwhile the on goings Deok Man goes to persuade Abbot Wyol Cheon to collaborate with her that she is not doing this out of benefits of being selfish for her own gains but the for the benefit of the common good of people. Princess Man Myeong gives Kim Yu Shin what Deok Man has requested from the letter. It is actually the charcoal rubbing of the stone tablet of the Eochul Ssangsaeng Seonggol Nam Jin prophesy.

Deok Man needs Wyol Cheon help in doing the maths on the solar eclipse. Mi Shil finished her scheme, then Deok Man has the solar eclipse date from Wyol Cheon. Kim Yu Shin said if there is one soon & Deok Man confirms. Wyol Ya asked when it occurs, but Deok Man will leave the date to only to Bi Dam. Deok man asked Al Cheon whether they have caught the live birds that they will prepare to execute the plans tonight. Kim Yu Shin tells that beans & the charcoal rubbing is prepared. Deok Man said that is fine & they can start the plan rolling as they will commence

Joo Bang & Go Do passing idle time on childish game at Bo Gya Hoe’s camp when Seo Ji pass by & notice Joo Bang being familiar as though they had met somewhere before & enquire if they had met before. Joo Bang instantly could recognise Seo Ji from Manno Fortress & pretend that he doesn’t know of Seo Ji that he has a common face that can be easily mistaken for someone else. Seo ji takes a closer look at Joo Bang’s face that he indeed knows Joo Bang from somewhere as he is so familiar but couldn’t place him where he has seen him. Joo bang denies that he knows Seo Ji. Go Do asked whether Joo Bang know Seo Ji. Deok Man came to see Joo Bang to assign him a task as Joo bang seize the change to greet Deok Man. Deok Man wants Joo Bang to use his skill in the art of forgery for something. Joo Bang said that there is nothing he can’t forged. Deok Man wants Joo Bang to forge the letterings in the stone rubbing. Joo Bang gladly accept the task. Seo Ji wants a private moment with Joo Bang, but Joo bang avoid Seo Ji by chasing after Deok man for clarification & ran away.

Mu Phil – forge in writing

Deok Man goes to see Bi Dam who is putting some special effects make up with prosthetics. Deok Man said it is Bi Dam turn to make the plan work. Deok man helps him with his make up as she brief about Mi Shil. Deok man said that Bi Dam had no fear in anything so he will definitely able to succeed in her plan. Bi Dam asked since Deok man voice concern why she didn’t do this herself. Bi Dam honestly thinks that Deok Man should personally execute her plans on her own. Bi Dam asked that the person named Mi Shil is so fear. Deok man said that when she confronts Mi Shil, Mi Shil couldn’t read her mind as though it is transparent, this is why Bi Dam must never allow Mi Shil to able to read his mind. Bi Dam assures her not to worry about that matter. Bi Dam asked in passing when will the solar eclipse occur

Deok Man pause & asked that this be kept to himself. Bi Dam is eager to know about the solar eclipse as Deok Man is about to tell. Meanwhile in the night the palace staff sees luminous birds flying around in the night sky coming from the chamber of Princess Cheon Myeong. They wonder of can so many strange occurrences can be happening in such short period. Then outside the palace the people sees the luminous bird flying in the air. Dae Pung & Guk San Heun looking at the birds is amaze at the effects. It is them who release the birds after painting them with the cat urine & powered human bones Deok Man tells there isn’t any solar eclipse to be reckon soon. Dae Pung asked how did Deok Man know about the formulation to get the bird glowing in the dark. Guk San Heun asked not to be rude to address Deok man by name. Joo Bang said that Deok Man saw a lot of scatter human remains in the desert. But Go Do asked what is the reason behind the use of those birds?

Phosphorescence can occur in calcified tissue i.e. human bones or dentin of teeth. Most human bones or any aspect of mammals animal bones & organ that impregnation with accumulation of calcium or calcium salts in a body tissue that contain calcium phosphate called Hydroxylapatite. This is why sometimes your teeth glows in a dark especially expose to black light with a tint of greenish when expose to oxygen

It seems that cat urine react to UV or Wood’s lamp, it emits a purple glow. I can’t vouch on that as I don’t have cats. It is that porphyrins & some certain chemicals in proteins deposit in the urine react to the UV light. Porphyrins as they are organic compounds that grab a hold of metals and are present in and vital to all living things. Due to some molecule structure that it glows when react to UV light. Wood’s lamp is common instruments seen in series CSI for human fluid & blood stains. But I wonder how are they going to wean cat’s urine from the cat’s bladder

Mi Saeng pacing as Seol Mae reports about the birds glowing in the dark seen flying from Princess Cheon Myeong’s chambers. Mi Saeng was about to asked the same thing to Seol Mae that how she came to have the knowledge about to pull this trick out from a bag that making the birds glow in the dark. Seol Mae thinks that it was Mi Saeng ingenious doing. Mi Saeng said it is not him. Then Mi Saeng said that it is just people’s rumours about the incident of some mystical being that they had witness. Seol Mae said that she had witness this phenomena with her own eyes that the birds were indeed flying in the sky in glow. Mi Saeng surprise that Seol Mae has seen it

Gwang Chu – Luminous birds

Then Seol Won Rang comes in to inform Mi Saeng that there is someone conducting some ritual in front of Najeong well that had spill blood. Mi Saeng said what is so concern about that matter. It is common practice for the people to pray in front of Najeong well. Seol Won Rang said that it is out of the ordinary when this person lights the incense with just his bare hands & need not use any tools for it & people are beginning to believe & convert to this man, to say that he is some divinity deity from heaven to bring bearer of the will of heaven. The person had accumulates the masses in large numbers. Mi Saeng surprise that there is a deity in midst that it is not of their orchestrated plan. Seol Won Rang said that this person came to Silla to appease the ‘qi’ of the lands from an uncertain calamity then he has set up a ritual stand in front of Najeong well with people gather in congregation. Mi Saeng thinks that this person is nuts.

Bi Dam in his disguise wearing a mask like the phantom of the opera does his ritual in front of the Najeong well. Bi Dam uses Deok man burning glass to light the fire of the incense that got the crowd gather in amazement as they knee & pray before the well. Meanwhile Mi Shil goes to King Jinpyeong & announce her revelation that she has received from heaven’s will when she is interrupted Seol Mae as Se Jong reprimand her for being rude for her unannounced interruption. Seol Mae stutters to tell that is disaster in the midst at Najeong well. Bi Dam does his special effect wonders by orchestra a emerging craving tablet raising from the ground with great exploding splendour. The crowd kneels before the tablet, there are 5 lines of writing craved on the tablet as Bi Dam stood up & smiles that he has succeed thus far

Mi Saeng is upset that someone is beating them in their game. Seol Won Rang comes back with the rubbing of the tablet in Najeong well then tells that they had curb the area to forbids public access but however rumours of the tablet is already wide spread beyond control. Mi Shil asked who had done this & what is in the craving. Seol Won Rang tells Mi Shil that it is the 2nd part of the prophesy by Bakhyeokgeose the founding father of Silla that was deem lost 200 years ago of the prophesy Eochul Ssangsaeng Seonggol Nam Jin, it is the phase that come after that. Mi Shil & her camp are surprise of the existence of the 2nd part of the tablet. Mi Shil wonder what is craved in the tablet. Seol Won Rang showed her the rubbing of the character from the tablet

Gae Yang Gwi Cheon; Il Yu Shik Ji; Gae Yang Ja Rip; Gyerim Cheon Myeong; Shin Cheon Do Rae

Mizar star return to heavens. The heavens will be notified. Gae Yang will be established; Gyerim’s heaven will radiant & bring dawn & marks a new era & order

The translation is that when Gaeyang stars return to the constellation, solar eclipse will announce its return. Gaeyang will established an order, that the Gyerim’s sky will be radiance & the dawn of a new era

Everybody had a copy of the rubbing of the stone tablet. Mi Shil crushes the copy of the rubbing & obviously already sending jitters down her spine. Mi Shil declare that this is fabrication & false & order to bring forth the person from the Najeong well. Mi Shil said how dare Bi Dam ridicule Mi Shil & her people of Silla, she make sure that she will shred his limb piece by piece & asked that Bi Dam be arrested immediately

Bi Dam at Najeong well telling the people that this is revelation reveal to them by their founding father Bakhyeokgeose on the fate of Silla. Bo Jong & Seok Bum comes to tell that Bi Dam has committed treason & get arrested as the crowd protest that how can this be treason. Seok Bum draw his sword to silence the grievances & asked them to disperse & leave the area. Bi Dam said he will go wherever he needs to go as the will of heaven wants him to bid

Mi Saeng finds out that Bi Dam had use the same exact method he use previously with the beans, on top of that he use the same method on the same venue as they had done prior. Now someone out there is proving that Mi Shil is a con as she can’t denies that this is fabrication while hers with the Buddha statue on the expulsion of the Gaya people is heaven’s revelation. Bi Dam is brought to the judicial grounds to be question. Bi Dam recalls that Deok man gave him a letter to carry with him. Bi Dam asked whether the date of the solar eclipse is written inside. Deok Man tells that there is no solar eclipse anytime soon. Bi Dam is surprise. Deok Man asked Bi Dam to listen to her attentive that Mi Shil had been rob of Wyol Cheon & then she know that Deok Man has Wyol Cheon in her hands then also she already had killed Seo Ri, therefore Mi Shil will become really anxious with anxiety as Mi Shil will be uncertain whether or not Wyol Cheon indeed has done the maths for the Solar eclipse for Deok Man, she is in a dark & she definitely had discomfort. Deok Man asked that Bi Dam must sell the idea that the solar eclipse will occur on that particular day & makes her believe that it will happened. Deok Man tells that Bi Dam had play a game of gambles with odds before. Bi Dam had play that game. Deok Man tells that their under stud card to showdown the call the game is actually a bluff call

Hoe Pae – bluff card. Deok Man must be a straight poker player to call a show hand by calling a bluff & get the other player to deal & bet in the deck

Then Deok Man added that if this was to fail, then she can’t guarantee that Bi Dam may able to retain his life afterwards. Bi Dam smiles as Deok Man said that he will have to escape from the ordeal on his own accord. Mi Shil comes to see Bi Dam. This is the 1st time mother & son will meet without realise each other’s relationship & blood tides

Queen Maya reads the 2nd part of the stone tablet rubbings & wonder if this is true. Princess Man Myeong said that the rubbing from the stone tablet by Queen Maya to give it to Deok Man must have derive this plan. Queen Maya wonder how did Deok Man able to fabricate this plot to perfection. Princess Man Myeong said that this is the only way in order to restore Deok Man status as Princess. This is Deok Man’s wisdom on her part. This is now the 2nd part of the Bakhyeokgeose’s prophesy that was lost for the prophesy of initial prophesy of the twins. Queen Maya said that this is correct that the return of Gaeyang to the heavens constellation will a solar eclipse occur. Princess Man Myeong indicate that one of the Gaeyang star refers to Princess Cheon Myeong who has died & return to the constellation of heavens & a solar eclipse will occur, then Queen Maya reads on that when Gaeyang is established in the heaven, it will draw a new radiance on Gyerim thus bring forth a new order & era. Princess Man Myeong said that only the person borne in the Gaeyang star will able to establish that prophesy. Queen Maya said that the other Gaeyang will have to established that new order indicated that it will be Deok Man

King Jinpyeong asked how can a lost tablet of Bakhyeokgeose that was presumed lost 200 years ago finds its way emerging from the ground to reveal itself. Se Jong said the 1st started will Najeong well spilling blood then now this lost tablet emerging out of no where of the prophesy of Eochul Ssangsaeng Seonggol Nam Jin then with this tablet as the couplet to the prophesy of the 2nd phase Gae Yang Gwi Cheon; Il Yu Shik Ji; Gae Yang Ja Rip; Gyerim Cheon Myeong; Shin Cheon Do Rae. Kim Yong Chu & Kim Seo Hyeon tries to analyse the wording of the tablet & comes with the conclusion about a new order will be dawn from the Gaeyang stars which indicate a good omen but wonder what with the contradicting of the solar eclipse. King Jinpyeong asked who is the Gaeyang star that is going to established that order then Queen Maya comes in to interrupt that the prophesy indicate the person as Deok Man. King Jinpyeong is a little naive & honest to be sovereign that his wife look like the stronger character

King Jinpyeong is surprise at what his wife has said that she indicated the person is Deok Man. Kim Seo Hyeon asked whether the ladies had seen the writing & asked whether the tablet is authentic for them to indicate that the tablet is indeed Bakhyeokgeose’s prophesy. Princess Man Myeong & Queen Maya indicate that it is not actual tablet from Bakhyeokgeose but a fabrication of Deok Man. Princess Man Myeong said that this is a well though plan of Deok Man to restore her status officially. Kim Yong Chu asked whether the tablet is false as Queen Maya affirm that she gave the original rubbing of the stone table to Deok Man of the Eochul Ssangsaeng Seonggol Nam Jin’s prophesy from the Royal Household archives

King Jinpyeong asked how can his Queen do such a daring feat. Queen Maya said for Deok Man to restore her status as princess, it need to be done as it is deem impossible if the twin’s birth is not reveal. Princess man Myeong adds that according to the 2nd part of the stone tablet, the twin birth is now not seen as a calamity but a path to open to the dawn of a new order. Kim Seo Hyeon said that this fabrication is done in order not to make the twin birth as a curse. Princess Man Myeong said that it is correct & a great strategy on the part of Deok Man to plot this scheme. King Jinpyeong said for the fabrication to work then they need to have a solar eclipse to happened at some time soon in order to be authentic, how can they predict that they will be a solar eclipse occurring

Mi Shil goes & personally question Bi Dam. Mi Shil asked whether Bi Dam is the person from Najeong well. Seol Won Rang confirm as he goes to interrogate Bi Dam. Seol Won Rang asked Bi Dam’s mask to be remove. Bi Dam reveal his scar face, as he looks horrid, Mi Shil asked the mask to be put back on.

Mi Shil & Bi Dam had identical set of expression as Bi Dam notice the similarity


Courtesy of 祈睛娃娃

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