Kim Yu Shin rides off with Deok Man on the back of his horse then rides pass Chil Sook as Chil Sook curious on the commotion & recognise Deok Man on the back of Kim Yu Shin from the recalls of his encounters with Deok Man in Taklamakan & shocked. We are not sure whether Deok Man caught a sight of Chil Sook on the veranda or on the fast catch up Al Cheon & Im Jong on pursuit. Chil Sook queston himself how can Deok Man be present in Silla

At the crossroad, Kim Yu Shin tries to lose his pursuers. Al Cheon & Im Jing spilt after losing Kim Yu Shin tracks but fails to find their whereabout & lost Kim Yu Shin. Kim Yu Shin & Deok Man on the ground walking with his horse. Deok Man asked what is going on that they are being pursued. Kim Yu Shin said that they need to escape before he explains

Seo Ri comes to Mi Shil’s chamber where Mi Shil is chairing a conference to ask of Chil Sook whereabouts. Se Jong expresses surprise that Chil Sook goes missing again. Seo Ri conforms as she came here to find whether Chil Sook came by. Seol Won Rang volunteers to go find Chil Sook. Then Bo Jong announces that Chil Sook is presence as Mi Shill allow him to enter. Chil Sook comes to greet them. Mi Shil assures that they are in the midst of discussing about So Hwa’s matter & asked for his patient

Chil Sook inform to Mi Shil that he now regain his full vision. Mi Shil is ecstatic by the news but however Chil Sook then drop a brick at Mi Shil by telling her that the 1st thing she saw with his vision was he recognise that the other twin is still alive & in the palace. Mi Saeng thinks that Chil Sook is pulling their leg over the matter & asked Chil Sook to be more specific in his explanation that they can comprehend. Chil Sook reiterate that the other twin is seen in the palace. Mi Shil had the expression that she is hit by a tonnes of bricks or drop by a bomb shell by Chil Sook. Everybody is dumb founded at the revelation. It is the 1st time that Mi Shil has lost her bearing & seen gapping with fear

Meanwhile on the other end, Eul Jae is informs that Al Cheon & Im Jong failure in apprehending Kim Yu Shin & Deok Man. Im Jong tells Im Jong that when he left Eul Jae’s chambers, Kim Yu Shin went immediately towards Princess Cheon Myeong’s chamber & Al Cheon also seen that Deok Man came out from Princess Cheon Myeong’s chambers. Eul Jae asked why Deok Man is seen at Princess Cheon Myeong’s chamber. Al Cheon queries on what is going on as Eul Jae cut him short & dismiss them & to keep surveillance of the cadres Yonghwa Hyangdo. Al Cheon demands an answer as Eul Jae said he is doing this for the sake of Silla. Kim Yong Chu dismisses them. Kim Yong Chu asked whether Kim Yu Shin already have knowledge of the matter. Eul Jae said that if Deok Man drew King Jinheung’s dagger, Kim Yu Shin might have some knowledge about the matter of the origins of King Jinheung’s dagger. Eul Jae tells Kim Yong Chu that King Jinpyeong has told Eul Jae that he gave King Jinheung’s dagger to the other twin but how could Deok Man has possession of the dagger is beyond his reasoning

Mi Shil is digesting the truth with indigestion that the other twin is alive & well & seen In palace. Chil Sook affirms the fact. Chil Sook said that Deok Man was seen dressed in a Nang Do uniform disguise as man but Chil Sook is certain that it is Deok Man. Seol Won Rang asked that Chil Sook told them that she died in the sand storm. Chil Sook confirms it was indeed so, but however she was indeed seen in the palace, witness by Chil Sook himself. Mi Shil can only see Chil Sook with gapping mouth. Ha Jong tries to appease the situation by asking Chil Sook to think before he speaks as how can a child able to survive a sand storm. Chil Sook has no answer for that. Se Jong asked whether Chil Sook is still in the state of confusion after his recovering that his bearing has not been set. All this while Mi Shil is seen with gapping mouth. Chil Sook conform that he is most certain that it may be a while but he can recognise her distinctive facial feature & it is very sure that it was Deok Man

Mi Shil gets another atomic bomb shocked when the child in question mentioned by the name Deok Man. Mi Saeng asked to repeat the name mentioned. Mi Shil could mutter the name Deok Man. Chil Sook is surprise at the Mi Shil’s reaction & confirm that the other twin’s child is Deok Man. Then the rest of Mi Chil’s camp also ends up with gapping mouth. This year’s academy awards for the Best performance in gapping mouth goes to (drum roll) Mi Shil

It is indeed wonderful to see that Mi Shil has been off balance & seen for the 1st time in fear of the other twin existence. Mi Shil knows really well the Mizar (Gaeyang) prophesy will indeed will come truth & her power of authority will soon diminished. For further Go Hyun Jung gapping mouth performance & she indeed did a lot of this reaction be sure to tune to the drama “HIT”

Mi Shil recalls that Deok Man came to her asking for Moon Noh’s whereabouts. Deok Man reaction when she saw her book Plutarch’s Parallel of lives & Mi Saeng tells her that Deok Man proficient in Latin. Mi Shil realise that Deok Man was so near & yet so far for her. Mi Saeng tells that they are fooled but realise that Deok Man look effeminate as a man. Ha Jong said that most of the cadre of Hwa Rang are of that sort. Se Jong worries whether King Jinpyeong knows of the fact. Seol Won Rang said it wouldn’t be as Eul Jae is investigating into the matter like they are doing. Se Jong concludes that Deok Man solely did the petition on her own accord. Seol Won Rang concurs that it may be so that has happened. Seol Won Rang asked Mi Shil that they need to act on this quickly. Seol Won Rang orders Bo Jong to apprehend Deok Man but Chil Sook said that Deok Man had left the palace. Ha Jong is surprise that Deok Man had left. Chil Sook sees a Hwa Rang taking Deok Man & riding off on horseback the other Hwa rangs was in pursuit.

Seol Won Rang wants some order of action from Mi Shil but Mi Shil was so overcome by the revelation that she needed some silence from her camp to think the next course of action. Mi Shil wants some quiet as she needs to concentrate & think. This is the 1st time Mi Shil has no answer to settle the matter

Queen Maya waits for Princess Cheon Myeong as she came to meet with So Hwa to take So Hwa away to meet Deok Man. As they enter where So Hwa was kept, they find OS Hwa missing. Eul Jae comes in to ask are they looking for So Hwa. Eul Jae tells them they should have kept matter from him for him to do such drastic measures as he has removed from the place. Eul Jae asked whether they do understand his sincere loyalty towards the royal household & he will not hesitate to Royal Household even if it tarnish his own name in the pages of history to protect the will of King Jinheung & his inspiration. They must not keep anything conceal from Eul Jae in order to do his work for the sake of the Royal Household.

Mi Shil goes to see an elderly woman who happened to be Shi Yeol’s mother. When Shi Yeol died, he said that his mother will be left all alone in this world. I assume that the Yonghwa Hyangdo has adopted Shi Yeol’s mother as theirs. Seol Yeol’s mother is surprise at Kim Yu Shin’s night visit to her house. This must be Manno County. Kim Yu Shin asked about her well being. Shi Yeol’s mother is grateful that Yonghwa Hyangdo’s cadre has showed her kindness since her son died. Deok Man realise that she was Shi Yeol’s mother. Kim Yu Shin asked of a favour from her to asked her to deliver a letter for him to Dae Pung & Guk San Heun & not to anybody else. Shi Yeol’s mother would do as instructed 7 assures that it is done

Eul Jae has instructed Joo Bang & Go Do to smuggle So Hwa out of her former place. Kim Yong Chu asked them on the whereabout of King Jinheung’s dagger. Joo Bang & Go Do have no knowledge of the dagger. Eul Jae can see So Hwa reaction to the question. Eul Jae questioning Joo Bang but looking at So Hwa’s reaction on when they 1st met Deok Man. Joo Bang said that it was the time that Princess Cheon Myeong reported missing in Yeo Rae Temple & Deok Man came from a far distance after losing her mother then Deok Man came to Gyerim’s Manno Fortress looking for Moon Noh. Eul Jae is surprise that Deok Man want to meet with Moon Noh

Eul Jae goes to So Hwa & asked whether she know Deok Man. Eul Jae asked if it by chance that Deok Man is the infant that she brought out from the palace. Then Eul Jae question that Deok Man is a cadre thus a man then goes to confirm her hunch with Joo Bang to asked Deok Man’s gender. Go Do said how can Deok Man be female. Eul Jae shouts for an answer. Joo Bang then blurt out that Deok Man indeed is a woman thus female but only learn the fact recently. Go DO eyes nearly pop out from its socket learning Deok Man’s real gender. Kim Yong Chu is just as shocked t learn Deok Man is indeed a woman

The palace maid informs Guk San Heun & Dae Pung that Shi Yeol’s mother wants to see them. They wonder why she is doing here after coming from such a long distance to Seorabeol. Dae Pung doesn’t know as they is a lot of strange happening lately. Guk San Heun & Dae Pung address Shi Yeol’s mother as “Mother”. Shi Yeol’s mother gave the letter to Guk San Heun & said it is from Kim Yu Shin & tells that they should read it & act upon it with importance & she leaves

Guk San Heun reads it with Dae Ping then spilt their chores in their respective mission. Im Jong’s men are keeping tab on Yonghwa Hyangdo. Guk San Heun asked to see Princess Cheon Myeong as he has a letter from Kim Yu Shin & asked for Princess Cheon Myeong’s lady in waiting. The guard understand & will inform the Princess. Cheon Myeong palace maid is being inform that Yonghwa Hyangdo’s cadre is looking for the Princess with the letter from Kim Yu Shin but then Eul Jae intercepts Guk San Heun & demands that Guk San Heun follow Eul Jae with some assistance from Im Jong’s swords strike across Guk San Heun’s neck to obediently follow Eul Jae’s instruction

Princess Cheon Myeong blocks Eul Jae path in taking away Guk San Heun. Princess Cheon Myeong asked why is Guk San Heun in his custody when he is on an errand for her from Kim Yu Shin. Cheon Myeong asked Guk San Heun to come to her as she & Eul Jae has a confrontation but Eul Jae stop Guk San Heun in his track. Eul Jae asked that Cheon Myeong must not have any secret from him. Eul Jae asked Guk San Heun to convey Kim Yu Shin message in front of him. Eul Jae is taking control of the situation as he now sees a threat in the existence of Deok Man. Guk San Heun conveys that Eul Jae is trying to harm Deok Man & asked Cheon Myeong to be weary of him & his intention & finds a solution. Cheon Myeong is shocked that Eul Jae has come to harm Deok Man in his quest

Cheon Myeong reprimand Eul Jae how can he gives such instructions to have Deok Man come to harm. Eul Jae reiterates that if he needs to tarnish his name in history book he will do so for the welfare of the Royal Household. Princess Cheon Myeong before the country & politics that family comes 1st, as this matter concern King Jinpyeong, Queen Maya & her

There is an unwritten customary law of the hierarchy of Asian society. Family comes before country. Loyalty comes to your family before duty to one’s country. This is why kinsmenship is really important in Asia society. There were times as for the Chinese if you so happened comes from the same province & speak the same dialect as any storekeeper or restaurant proprietor, you surely will get ultimate service or discount. It you can’t managed your household, you can’t govern a country. But sometimes obligation comes to a priority but mostly it is usually the family that get the priority

Cheon Myeong knows that Eul Jae is doing this matter on his own accord without consulting King Jinpyeong on the matter. Eul Jae argues that Princess Cheon Myeong also kept King Jinpyeong in the dark with what she has learn & have knowledge that Deok Man is her younger twin that she never inform her father on the matter. King Jinpyeong barges in outrages to learn that his trusted Minister & his own daughter playing secrecy of cloak & dagger behind his back. King Jinpyeong demands on what is going on as he over hears their conversation & quarrels

Mi Shil nervously pours herself a cup of tea to calm her nerves & to think on the what course of action to take. It is really English’s habit

Mi Shil doing something very English to have “it was time to put the kettle on and calm nerves with a cup of tea.” Tea is drank in England either a celebration or in crisis. Our neighbour in England where we were lodging during our studies in London; use to tell a story about this tradition. She lived through the 2nd World War during the Blitz. During the Second World War, when the sirens warned of yet another air raid from the German bombers, everyone would stop what they were doing and hurry to the nearest air raid shelter. For some it was the Underground Railroad or subway. For others, the shelter in the backyard built especially for the purpose, and for some it was under the dining room table. For some who had the forethought of planning ahead, there were hot flasks of tea. For others, as soon as the all-clear sounded, it was time to “put the kettle on” and calm nerves with a cup of tea.

Seol Won Rang reports the whereabouts of So Hwa taken by Eul Jae is kept in Sa Yeong Jeon in Nae Seong

Nae Seong – Administration of Executive Ministry for the Royal Household

By now Mi Shil has some panic & her decision is done in haste as she asked to get So Hwa. Seo Won Rang weary that it might stir the palace, but Mi Shil doesn’t take heed of protocol & demands that So Hwa be taken whatever it takes without consider any consequences. Mi Shil asked that all surveillance must be kept with people who is associated with Deok Man, then Mi Shil wants to wake up off her spy cell groups that was sleeping to be alerted & pending wait for orders. Mi Saeng thinks it unwise to wakes up all the cell group. Mi Shil wants Deok Man to be found & brought to her at all cost. Mi Shil said that they had to work their master plan after that

King Jinpyeong learn that the younger twin daughter is Deok Man & how can this be happening. Eul Jae advice that moment like this, King Jinpyeong needs to be strong as he recalls his encounters with Deok Man first in Manno Fortress then when Deok Man was interrogated. King Jinpyeong is distraught to learn Deok Man’s identity

Kim Yu Shin & Deok Man resting when Deok Man said that the pursuer is not Mi Shil but the King who has sent them to kill her over the matter of Daehwajeon. King Jinpyeong doesn’t want to acknowledge her existence. Kim Yu Shin then tells her that she is wrong to assume & that it is not King Jinpyeong but Eul Jae doing this on his own accord out of his own sincerity for the Royal Household & Eul Jae did it without the consult from King Jinpyeong. Kim Yu Shin said that Deok Man must trust the wisdom of Princess Cheon Myeong & Queen Maya & Kim Yu Shin by her side. Kim Yu Shin said because of the sudden action of Eul Jae’s orders, Kim Yu Shin is travelling without expenses. Kim Yu Shin said that he has send a message to his father to come to their assistance.

Dae Pung goes to see Kim Seo Hyeon to deliver Kim Yu Shin’s message send through Shi Yeol’s mother. Princess Man Myeong asked what is the purpose of his visit. Dae Pung said he is here to convey a message. Dae Pung recites the message as Kim Yu Shin tells that he had to leave Seorabeol suddenly so he didn’t carry any travelling expenses & wants his father to subsidise. Kim Yu Shin tells his father to rendezvous in Manno County without anyone’s knowledge to the hunting shed that they use to loade when he was young. Kim Seo Hyeon asked what has happened. Dae Pung said that Kim Yu Shin left for Mt. Yeo Ham but was never seen since. Princess Man Myeong is really worried for her son’s safety. Then Eul Jae announce his visit to Kim Seo Hyeon & Kim Seo Hyeon is surprise by his visit.

Then Kim Yu Shin & Deok Man enters a village who has suffers a plague of unknown source. Deok Man asked about the clay urns as Kim Yu Shin said that the villager has no means to give their love ones a coffin so they use to put their body into these urns for burial. Then the villager inform that there is a plague in Yangji Village then already been curb to enter. Kim Yu Shin enquire whether the next village after that is affected as the villager confirm that it has not spread to there. Kim Yu Shin said it is a relief that the plague didn’t affect the next village in which they are suppose to head to meet up with his father

Kim Seo Hyeon learns from Eul Jae that the younger twin Princess is Deok Man & has now escape with Kim Yu Shin. Eul Jae knows that Kim Yu Shin makes his escape in a rush & wasn’t prepare for the journey will obviously contact Kim Seo Hyeon for expenses. Eul Jae advertise the grave danger of risk that is threatening the Royal Household if this matter is revealed & Kim Yu Shin is right at the epic centre of the midst of this incident. Kim Seo Hyeon asked what Eul Jae wants from him in telling of this secret. Eul Jae wants Kim Yu Shin returns & Deok Man killed. Kim Seo Hyeon asked why he must do such a thing as that. Eul Jae said that he will convince King Jinpyeong to asked permission to allow Kim Yu Shin to marry Princess Cheon Myeong as Kim Seo Hyeon rewards in his assistance. They really need a successor to the throne. Eul Jae said that King Jinpyeong & Princess Cheon Myeong will see the necessity in that matter & will complied. Eul Jae said that Deok Man’s head is worth a barter to exchange for a hand of marriage to Princess Cheon Myeong & become a royal relation.

Eul Jae informs King Jinpyeong that Kim Yu Shin has send a message to Kim Seo Hyeon for assistance. Eul Jae lies & give conflicting replies to King Jinpyeong that he has asked Kim Seo Hyeon to send Deok Man back to China. King Jinpyeong does have his doubts on Eul Jae’s sincerity. Eul Jae affirms that he is sincerely doing this out of loyalty for the Royal Household & must have King Jinpyeong’s trust in his action, but King Jinpyeong thinks otherwise & has a lump in his throat where he said that he do trust Eul Jae as a subject & asked Eul Jae to leave his chambers. King Jinpyeong is overcome with tears as he tries to assure that he does trust Eul Jae but his heart pains for Deok Man as King Jinpyeong know all too well that Eul Jae definitely resort in having Deok Man killed to preserve the Royal Household. King Jinpyeong honestly apologise that he wasn’t much of a parent to Deok Man that all he has done was to bring suffering to her, how would Deok Man is going to see him with all her anger towards him as he weeps bitterly for his daughter’s fate

Im Jong comes running to Eul Jae that there is trouble. Seol Won Rang & his men goes to Sa Yeong Jeon to claim there are here to apprehend a Baekje spy as Kim Yong Chu tries in wait to stop the siege but to no vain. Seol Won Rang dare Kim Yong Chu then if he should stop them then it will be all out war between their Ministry & threaten bloodshed in the palace. Seol Won Rang just stroll in without obstacles as he orders his men to take So Hwa with Joo Bang & Go Do as tag along. Seol Won Rang thinks that Joo Bang & Go Do is of useful evidence as So Hwa is unable to speak. Joo Bang & Go Do screams that doesn’t know anything

Eul Jae comes to asked what are they doing that they dare to bring troop into the Administration of Executive Ministry for the Royal Household. Seol Won Rang gives the reason that So Hwa is suspect being a Baekje spy & will go to the defense Ministry for interrogation. Eul Jae can’t stop them. Seol Won Rang informs that he has So Hwa. Mi Shil know that they can’t do very much but to give her up. Seol Won Rang said he also round up Joo Bang & Go Do. Seol Won Rang said that they broke in to Daehwajeon & likes be good witnesses to the whole incident. Seol Won Rang followed Mi Shil’s instructed to put them up in Abbot Wyol Cheon’s temple

It seems that it is now a common excuse that if they want someone from the other camp, claim the person they are looking for as a Baekje spy. Poor Baekje

Abbott Wyol Cheon greets his “guests”. So Hwa with Joo Bang & Go Do are locked up in the room in the temple. Bo Jong orders to stand guard at their place. Go Do asked what are they going to do as Joo Bang needs him to be quiet for him to think of the next course of action. Go Do is still finding hard to digest that Deok Man is actually a woman. Joo Bang then goes to make introductory acquaintance to So Hwa being friends & buddies of Deok Man. Joo Bang assures that he will think of a plan to get them out of here & asked her to rest assures as he knows that So Hwa is Deok Man’s mother. So Hwa has some reaction as Joo Bang confirms that she is indeed. Joo Bang asked about the relationship between Deok Man & King Jinpyeong. Joo Bang assures that he will get her to meet with Deok Man & help her to recover from her illness

Mi Shil’s so called silent cell group awakes to search for Deok Man. One of the cell group member informs Seol Won Rang said that they will gather at Mt Deung at the hour of Chuk Si but they don’t know where is the actual destination they has to go. Seol Won Rang asked Bo Jong to give him a carrier pigeon & when they reach the destination to send word through the courier pigeon. Seol Won Rang reminds that cell group must has disclose his identity

Chuk Si is the hour of the Ox 0100-0300 hours

Jeon Seo Gu is courier or carrier pigeon or a homing pigeon commonly known as the Carrier. They are domesticated pigeon that is trained to send message

Seol Won Rang reports to Mi Shil that the cell group member will send news via courier pigeon once they reach their destination. Mi Shil tells that there is no room for mistake or blunders. Seol Won Rang said that the cell group member is with Kim Seo Hyeon & his men. Seol Won Rang recruits him as a silent cell group on Kim Seo Hyeon’s camp. Mi Shil asked them to depart immediately once they received news & be prepares for it.

Kim Seo Hyeon gathers his men in secrecy for a mission. Kim Seo Hyeon will inform them once they reach their destination. Kim Yu Shin & Deok Man finds shelter for the night at a cave. Kim Yu Shin goes out to find something to eat as they walked the whole day & must be hungry. Deok Man calls him that Deok Man no matter how much she thinks otherwise, she has her doubts. Kim Yu Shin asked her do not to think of anything & only do as he orders her. Kim Yu Shin said that his father must have received his message & will be here by tomorrow. Kim Yu Shin asked until then, Deok Man must have her mind blank from everything & rest

Then someone call out for a “Hyungnim” to asked whether he is in the cave as it startled Kim Yu Shin & Deok Man as Kim Yu Shin prepare in alert when someone inside the cave comes yawning from the cave then notice Kim Yu Shin & Deok Man & gave Deok Man a wink to her surprise & walks away. He is Bi Dam. Bi Dam comes to meet the caller who had bags of herbs that the pick from the woods. While inspecting he finds they had pick the herb as he identify then finds they also pick weed back. Then while looking at the basket enquire about Sae Shin

Kal Geun in Chinese Ge Gen is root of the kudzu vine. Roots of a woody vine, very starchy, a general drug used both as food and medicine. Simple decoctions of kudzu vine are effective in relaxing tension and relieving pain in tight, aching neck and shoulder muscles caused by summer colds of wind-heat conditions. It also expel common cold with fever, headache, stiffness and back pain; let out skin eruption in measles and rashes; for diarrhea of dampness-heat type; promote the production of body fluid to quench thirst for internal heat; treat tinnitus and coronary heart disease; antidote to drug and alcohol poisoning.

Jil Kyeong also known as doraji. Doraji in Chinese Jie Geng is the Balloon flower root (Radix Platycodi) is used in the prescription of for lung affliction aliment. It helps to ventilates and smoothes the lungs, & is used extensively as an anti inflammatory of coughs, excessive phlegm & dispels it; sore throats, hoarseness

Sae Shin is Xi Xin in Chinese root of wild ginger (Asarum Sieboldii) is use to treat pain & inflammation in Korea. It is antinociception drug for reduction of pain like opioid; Anti-inflammation property to find infection. It also acts as a bradykinin as a biologically active polypeptide, consisting of nine amino acids, that forms from a blood plasma globulin and mediates the inflammatory response, increases vasodilation, and causes contraction of smooth muscle. It release a histamine that is an organic compound found widely in animals and plants that in humans and other mammals is released as part of the body’s immune response, causing physiological changes including dilation of the blood vessels, contraction of smooth muscle (as in the airways), and increased gastric acid secretion. The itching and sneezing typical of respiratory allergies are caused by the release of histamine.

This looks like medicine cocktail for H1N1?

The herb picker said that there is nowhere to be found as the demand is great since the plague. Bi Dam said he will be scolded by his teacher if he doesn’t bring back the goods. Then he asked for his chicken & eats it. Bo Dam tells that human must eat meat to have strength. Kim Yu Shin comes ti asked a moment in private with Bi Dam. Kim Yu Shin asked for an IOU for share of the food from Bi Dam that he will pay tomorrow since he had nothing on him to make payment. Bio Dam said that he also have not enough to eat so he can’t share. Then Bi Dam walks away & throws a bone of the chicken then with speed throws part of the chicken towards Deok Man where Kim Yu Shin intercepts it with speed as Bi Dam smiles at his test trial on Kim Yu Shin.

Bo Dam asked for collateral payment of Kim Yu Shin head band. Kim Yu Shin pays the chicken for his head band & throws it to Bi Dam to catch. Kim Yu Shin said he will pays him by hours of Shin & then Bi Dan can return his head band to him

Shin Si is the hours of Monkey 1500-1700 hours

Bi Dam leaves as Deok Man & Kim Yu Shin went back to the cave. Kim Yu Shin said that Bo Dam disturb him with bother. Kim Yu Shin said that his patient ran out on Bi Dam if he ever meets again, he fight strike at him. Kim Yu Shin said makes it quick to pay him as soon as they can when his father comes with the money. Kim Yu Shin said that Deok Man use to be vocal on confrontation but Deok Man told him that was in the past. Kim Yu Shin offers her the chicken. Bi Dan gave them 2 chicken thighs

Deok Man while eating started to weep. Bi Dam returns to Yangji village where the death toll is rising as Bi Dam goes to see his teacher who is none other than Gukseon Moon Noh. Without saying a words, Moon Noh hits Bi Dam with a broom until he was grounded & kneels before Moon Noh as Moon Noh question that he had eaten meat. Bi Dam apologises. Then asked whether Bo Dan had got the herbs for medicine. Moon Noh checks the basket & couldn’t find Sae Shin which he had reminded Bi Dam he must get that medicine. What Bi Dam has brought are only preventive medicine but not the cure. There are so many patient that increase by the numbers

Bi Dam tells that the Sae Shin around the area has all be dug out others for their own cures, so it is hard commodity to find now. Moon Noh must think of the welfare of the people they are trying to save. Moon Noh asked Bi Dam to go out.

Kim Yu Shin tells & recalls when the 1st time Deok Man enters & became part of his cadre corps & how she struggles to run in training with the sand bag weights, at that time, he has a disliking for her because of her attitude. Kim Yu Shin work & shape her with all her protest but in that no matter how Kim Yu Shin push her in training, Deok Man accept it in stride & refuse to give up. This is when he grew to like her that Deok Man show a righteousness that she doesn’t give up that he likes her. Kim Yu Shin asked whether that particular Deok Man can able to stay by his side, without any upset or anger or even being sad & return to that person she use to be, with this they can journey together as Kim Yu shin shapes Deok Man. Deok Man wishes it could be of that but however with the feeling that she had bottled inside, it is best she disappears. Deok Man really doesn’t know what to think as of now

Kim Seo Hyeon leads his men to the hunting lodge to said that this is the place of destination; the hunting shed. Kim Seo Hyeon asked his men that they needs to apprehend Deok Man. One of his men wants to confirm that the person Kim Seo Hyeon is referring is the cadre in Kim Yu Shin Yonghwa Hyangdo. Kim Seo Hyeon tells that it will be soon that Kim Yu Shin & Deok Man will come to this place. Kim Yu Shin will soon depart for this place to look for Kim Seo Hyeon while his men will deal with Deok Man who will be left alone at this hunting shed. They can able to seize Deok Man then bring her to Wo San Guk. Of all fails to apprehend her then they need to kill her to get her body & this must not be make know to Kim Yu Shin & only execute the plan when Deok Man is alone

Usan Guk is Ulleungdo is 120km off the mainland of Korea in the Sea of Japan known as the East Sea. It is the largest island in Korea. It is part of Ulleung County; Gyeongsangbuk. Historical finding that archaeological evidence indicates that the island has been inhabited since the 1st millennium BC. But the 1st confirmed historical reference to Ulleungdo is in the Samguk Sagi for in the year 512; the Silla general Kim Isabu conquered the island, which had previously been the autonomous nation of Usan Guk. Usan-guk did not remain under the Silla administration but however the island did not become a permanent political part of Korea until AD 930, when it was annexed by Goryeo. Remote as it is from the Korean mainland, Ulleungdo was a recurrent security headache for the Goryeo & later Joseon. It was devastated by Jurchen (Tungusic people that occupied Eastern Manchuria, founders of Jin Dynasty) pirate raids in the 11th century and by Wokou or Waegu in Korean is (Japanese) pirates raids the coastline of Korea & China in the 14th century. You will able to see Dokdo Island from here. One of the main produce of income is fishery manly is squids or cuttlefish. It seems that Eul Jae is not sending Deok Man back to China & more to Japan since they will be on the wrong side of the sea

Kim Seo Hyeon’s goes around to look at the logistics of the area. Kim Seo Hyeon goes to see Kim Yu Shin to asked what is going on. Kim Yu Shin said that he has been ordered by Princess Cheon Myeong to stay here for a while & they left Seorabeol suddenly & wasn’t prepares for the journey. Kim Yu Shin apologise to his father for having to come this far distance. Kim Seo Hyeon asked what is the order that Princess Cheon Myeong gave them to do. Kim Yu Shin said that they need to find Moon Noh that he is seen around this area. Kim Seo Hyeon understand & asked that if some repair works is done to the hunting shed, it is able to live it for temporary measure for them to execute their order. Kim Seo Hyeon said that he has a person he know in Yi Sui Gun who is the administrative official in that place that able to render some assistance

Yi Sui Gun is currently Chung Do. I think this is either in Gangwondo or Jeollanamdo but not sure

Kim Seo Hyeon asked Kim Yu Shin to bring Deok Man to the hunting shed & returns to him for him to introduce the official to Kim Yu Shin to be acquainted. Kim Yu Shin enquire whether his father came alone. Kim Seo Hyeon said he only came with some of his trusted men due to the stealth of cloak & dagger to the matter. Meanwhile Mi Shil silent cell group who is in the company flies his courier pigeon with the information

Kim Yu Shin brings Deok Man to the hunting shed & tells that once repairs are done, it is comfortable to live here as temporary shelter for the time being. Kim Yu Shin asked her to go in to take a rest as she didn’t sleep a wink last night. Kim Yu Shin said that he is going to meet with the administrative official in this area, then will take some provision from the market on the way back. Kim Yu Shin said that Deok Man is tired & have to rest. Kim Yu Shin reminds Deok Man not to think of anything (like stupid) before he returns

Kim Seo Hyeon creeps in after Kim Yu Shin leaves. Deok Man comes into the run down shed & ponders around her surroundings. Seol Won Rang gets the courier pigeon then informs Mi Shil on the location. The location is Yi Sui Gun. MI Shil wants Seol Won Rang to handle this mission personally for definite results & take Bo Jong & Seok Bum with him to make sure that they get the result as Mi Shil wants Deok Man alive. Seol Won Rang assures her that it will be done. Mi Shil has gather herself after a setback.

Mi Shil is been sitting stuck to her chair for the whole duration of this episode. Dear lady will get haemorrhods from sitting like that

Kim Seo Hyeon’s men goes in on the hunting shed. Then Bi Dam comes to them & out of curiousity & surprise by his appearance. Bi Dam asked what they about to do. Kim Seo Hyeon asked him to scat off then acting like a fool Bi Dam leaves after being threaten by the show of the sword. Then one of Kim Seo Hyeon’s men recognise Kim Yu Shin head band in Bi Dam’s basket. Bo Dam said that it is collateral for a chicken. Bi Dam wants it back but the men stop him that they think that Bi Dam stole it. Bi Dam asked for it to return then the men beats Bi Dam up

This was the same when Kim Nam Gil got the same treatment in “Portrait of the Beauty” It looks like a spin off from his character from that movie. Then one of Kim Seo Hyeon’s vassal comes to say that they on a mission & why are they creating commotion beating up villagers. He instruct to have the hunting shed surround as Kim Yu Shin has left to capture Deok Man. Bi Dam finds his herb ruined but then sees his chicken being step on. This strike a madness in Bi Dam & he is really upset & goes after the men

Kim Yu Shin is told of his father intentions & it is done for his sake. Kim Yu Shin asked how can his father do such a thing in the expenses of Deok Man’s life, as he leaves, Kim Seo Hyeon stops his son by drawing his sword. Kim Seo Hyeon said that this is the method to preserved their family & Kim Yu Shin. Kim Yu Shin asked his father to strike him down if need be as he is going. Kim Seo Hyeon said it is useless to go there since it may already been executed by now & it is too late

Deok Man comes out of the hunting shed that have been surrounded by Kim Seo Hyeon’s men. Kim Seo Hyeon’s vassal asked Deok Man to come quietly with them or else she may get hurt if she resist. Seol Won Rang rushing on horseback to Yi Sui Gun. Deok Man draws her sword to prepare to defend. Kim Seo Hyeon’s vassal that they have orders to kill her if she resists. Deok Man asked on whose orders are they acting upon. Kim Seo Hyeon or King Jinpyeong but the vassal doesn’t answer her & asked her to come with them. Deok Man refuse to go with them. Then Kim Seo Hyeon’s men prepare to take her by force when Bi Dam calls out to them. Vassal sends one of the man to deal with Bi Dam but ended up being slay viciously by Bi Dam. Then Bi Dam rushes to hit Kim Seo Hyeon’s men & strike them with his rapid & fluid martial arts. Bi Dam stroke is without mercy. Bi Dam tells them he will killed them all

Bi Dam is off spring of King Jinji & Mi Shil

Bi Dam: I will killed everyone here

Bi Dam goes to engage them & leaves Deok Man wondering who he is.

Credits and thanks to


Courtesy of 祈睛娃娃

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