Goo Joon Pyo invites Geum Jan Di for a chat & asks where she was going in the night. Geum Jan Di said she going for practice. Goo Joon Pyo said that she really want to win so badly. Geum Jan Di said that they have no choice left to them except to win. Goo Joon Pyo was slightly upset when she use plural as to meant Yoon Ji Hoo & her. Goo Joon Pyo hugs Geum Jan Di & asked that he just want to listen to her say a word & all will be over. Goo Joon Pyo ask her to say that she likes him. Geum Jan Di moves away & apologise. Goo Joon Pyo can’t understand why he likes Geum Jan Di, even with his earnest request, she doesn’t take heed. Goo Joon Pyo leaves after a disappointment. Geum Jan Di console herself that she will not regret

Then final competition is swimming. It a relay event. The 1st round will be Yoon Ji Hoo & Song Woo Bin. Competition starts as the 1st round swimming back their return leg, the 2nd round of swimmer prepare, in which is Geum Jan Di & So Yi Jung. Yoon Ji Hoo touches the line & Geum Jan Di hits the water for her swimming leg. On the return leg So Yi Jung could catch up the distance, then as they swimming head to head as they about to reach the finishing line, the swimming pool centre light was switched off. Goo Joon Hee then realise that it was her brother who switch it off & admitted defeat. Goo Joon Hee inform that Geum Jan Di & Yoon Ji Hoo will stay on in school. Goo Joon Hee thanked Geum Jan Di for making her childish brother of hers grow up. Goo Joon Hee said they will meet again. So Yi Jung shakes Geum Jan Di’s hand for her performance & gave Yoon Ji Hoo a punch in the stomach. Geum Jan Di & Yoon Ji Hoo thanked each other in helping with the competition

Yoon Ji Hoo asked whether they can go for a date. Goo Joon Pyo recall their childhood over he damaged Yoon Ji Hoo’s wooden robot. The wooden robot was handmade by his father. Goo Joon Pyo came back to her sense. Goo Joon Hee is pleased with his brother progress. The parents sanction Geum Jan Di to date Yoon Ji Hoo although they would have prefers Goo Joon Pyo. So Yi Jung & Song Woo Bin informs Goo Joon Pyo that Yoon Ji Hoo & Geum Jan Di is out for a date. Yoon Ji Hoo takes Geum Jan Di on horse ride, then taking strolls at the park, they reach Nam San where she recalls Goo Joon Pyo waited for her almost freezing. Meanwhile Goo Joon Pyo is following them. Driver buys him the vending coffee as Geum Jan Di bought for him. Yoon Ji Hoo offers the vending coffee but Geum Jan Di decline. They went up the cable car. Although Yoon Ji Hoo is taken in by the skyline but Geum Jan Di is less interested as she had done it with Goo Joon Pyo prior. She recalls more memories with Goo Joon Pyo rather than having a date with Yoon Ji Hoo. Geum Jan Di realise that the cable car they are riding was the same as previous where Goo Joon Pyo had wrote a graffiti saying Goo Joon Pyo & Geum Jan Di, 1st night. Yoon Ji Hoo realise that Goo Joon Pyo is tracking them

Yoon JI Hoo takes Geum Jan Di to his house. His house is a grand hanok which have great furnishing fittings. Geum Jan Di had a look around in his house. Goo Joon Pyo is outside Yoon Ji Hoo’s house pacing. Yoon Ji Hoo sees Goo Joon Pyo from his CCTV camera that Goo Joon Pyo is outside his house
Yoon Ji Hoo serves tea as Geum Jan Di ask why is house had no one. Yoon Ji Hoo said he feels uneasy with people around but with Geum Jan Di he feels warmth. Yoon Ji Hoo finally knows why Goo Joon Pyo likes her. Yoon Ji Hoo tries to kiss Geum Jan Di but she finds other distraction. Yoon Ji Hoon thanked her that he could let go of Min Seo Hyun his 1st love even though she will not marry her French fiancé as it wouldn’t chance things. Yoon Ji Hoo rest his head on Geum Jan Di’s shoulder. Geum Jan Di said that she too will have to let go her 1st love. Geum Jan Di leaves Yoon Ji Hoo’s house but left her gloves

Yoo Ji Hoo ask F4 member for ice hockey match. Yoon Ji Hoo played on Goo Joon Pyo feeling for Geum Jan Di as he said that Geum Jan Di was just a substitute for Min Seo Hyun on temporary measure. Goo Joon Pyo chases Yoon Ji Hoo around the ice ring & vent his anger at Yoon JI Hoo for playing on Geum Jan Di. Yoon Ji Hoo ask why he doesn’t admit that he can’t let go of Geum Jan Di, Geum Jan Di recalls her encounter with Goo Joon Pyo. Then she get a call from Goo Joon Pyo’s phone lashed out on him then to find it is So Yi Jung. Geum Jan Di rushes to the hospital. The F4 comes out with a sad story that he met an accident was looking for her in a rush. Geum Jan Di tries to talk to Goo Joon Pyo to regain his consciousness then wailing & crying when Goo Joon Pyo opens her eyes to ask whether what she said was true. In the anti climax shocks Geum Jan Di. Goo Joon Pyo ask her to say the word she wish to say to him

The next morning while exercising, Geum Jan Di finds some black suit mysteriously following her, then makes a run when Goo Joon Pyo come & cut her with his car & asked that the road are wet why is she out jogging. Goo Joon Pyo takes Geum Jan Di for a golf game. Geum Jan Di does every fault there is a golf course. Then lunch slices a huge tuna for sashimi. Geum Jan Di wanted to take over the left over then bump into the trio & their dates. They tease her for eating left overs. Goo Joon Pyo came to see what taking her so long then finds that she was being hold up by the trio. One of the dates asks whether Geum Jan Di is his kitchen staff. Goo Joon Pyo ask them to apologise to Geum Jan Di. Geum Jan Di & Goo Joon Pyo watching DVD in the car having hot flushes & heart beats. While going for the same popcorn, Goo Joon Pyo wants to kiss Geum Jan Di when her phone rings. It is her parents. Geum Jan Di returns home to fond that her family is feasting on the sashimi. Her brother said it was sent by Goo Joon Pyo. Goo Joon Pyo text her that he sent the food for her family & she is not to eat any

The next day when Goo Joon Pyo call, Geum Jan Di said she is busy at restaurant where there is only one customer. Geum Jan Di practices her swimming when Yoon Ji Hoo came to pay her visit & invites her for coffee. Yoon Ji Hoo said is there something that bothering her that she had to practising swimming on holidays. When Goo Joon Pyo he wanted to come to the school, Geum Jan Di makes excuse to leave hastily. Geum Jan Di comes home then to find out that Goo Joon Pyo pays a visit to her house. Geums are shocked at his presence. Goo Joon Pyo request that he would like to spent a night at their house as he make courtesy acquaintance with Geum Jan Di family members who are just mesmerise by his presences. Goo Joon Pyo tries to fit into the family even wearing tracksuits. Her mother even brought out their best bedding linen. Goo Joon Pyo find it interesting that 5 people would sleep in a room that is smaller that his house bathroom with the feel of a refugee camp. But he can feel the sense of family warmth. Goo Joon Pyo finds that the Geum talks in their sleep gets locked in by Geums man folk in their sleeping pattern.

Credits and thanks to Bimbibap





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